Thursday 28 April 2016

From the first time I first saw you my heart melted
At the glimpse of your eye my brains were washed out
I never knew where you came from
Hence you looked like an angel sent from above
Though some people don’t believe

Your being and love has made me whole
You came all the way to bring your love and care to me
I loved you just yesterday before we met
But I realize that I love you more today
However this love today cannot out measure tomorrow’s love

You opened my heart and illuminated my soul
Your love for me has become my reason to be
No human love can liberate dreams and desires like yours
Now I know you come from heaven
An angel with love, all the way from heaven

What kind of love is this with such great hope?
I’ve never thought it would be me experiencing such love
Sometimes it feels like a dream
And if it is, don’t let anyone wake me up
You took me away from disgrace and stupidity

God has really heard my prayers
He made my life to experience love through an angel in human form
You are always pulchritude, unique and gorgeous
Your name is love, for your love is amazing
Whatever you touch is blessed, your caring is supernatural
Behold everyone want to be part of you
I’m glad I’m in your life and you are mine
You never cared how bad life has been to me
But you cherished me with hope and love
You nourished my visions and dreams with sweet waters

You are forever an inspiration and courage in my life
You are an angel from heaven with love
Your imperfections make you more perfect
You’ve given me all of you, your heart so unique
Your love is like a tree beside a well, always bearing fruits

The stars shines but little compared to your eyes
Pure waters is clear but not clear as your love
When will I get enough of you when you are new every day?
Doubts and pains of my life has been swallowed by your love
You love me to depths, height and breadth

I praise because I love you purely
I’m bold since true love has manifested through you
I want to see you waking up by my side
To hear you breath will unleash a flood of smile in my face
I hear my love and feel it like blood flowing in veins for you

Dear angel you came from heaven, sent from above
You came not empty handed and with a mission to love me
I’m not perfect but in your eyes and heart I'm welcome just the way I am

I cherish you, I adore you oh angel from heaven with love!!!

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