Tuesday, 19 July 2016

life turns out the way we speak! power of the tongue

Life is the most beautiful thing to be proud of, the most excellent privilege to be thankful for and the most gift worth everything one can have. However life’s progress is determined by the utterance of the host (the one living). All parts of the body making up a human being are extraordinarily powerful and strong to can make one’s life miserable as well as making it worth a living. The most key agents are situated in the brains, the power of the thoughts which we hear many writers talking and write about, the matters of developing positive attitude for a positive future, understanding the power of thoughts, understanding the advantage of using at least more of the capacity of our brains. It is few people who focus on the small part of the body which is also a key to a lot of functions, this is the exact fire station which can destroy the entire future or can both build and protect it when directed wisely.
Biblically the tongue is said and believed to have power over life and death; “the tongue has power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruits” (proverbs 18:21 NIV). Most people (including Christians/ church goers) however think of this concept as just a saying, as a myth, many have not yet recognized that the events of their lives are truly the fruits of what they have spoken a long time ago. Yes sometimes we speak things unconsciously, when we are excited or angry, forgetting that every word that is spreading out of our mouth is a seed and it indeed shall bring forth fruits at the due season. Like a single fire stick that can burn a big area or a building, so are the words we speak, truly when we speak something our heart automatically believes in it, and whatever a person believes comes to appearance, it happens the way you believe it.
I personally grew up observing and paying much detail in a lot of things in this world, the life that we’ve been blessed with. There is a lot of negativity we speak than what is positive, and instantly there are a lot of negative events happening to us than the positive ones. And I strongly believe that if we can shake things a little bit and try to be positive, try to speak sense about the future; try to speak life rather than death, then in that way we could see our heaven on earth with our naked eyes. How much negative things we speak against our governments and then they turn to be more worse than before, how much of negative things we speak against what we later want to be our salvation to whatever we’ll be going through, is it truly them or it’s you, a question you should answer by yourself.
It is in the nature of human kind to blame other people for one’s mistake, people don’t really stand in the position of taking responsibilities to themselves, everyone seeks what’s suitable for their benefits forgetting that their intentions can turn against them. The tongue is fire itself, it burns everything when it utters words, and God Himself is faithful to look after His words so to bring them into pass, another reason it is said that a man will reap what he sow. I know of a lot of people who didn’t die because it was their time to die, but because they spoke of their death than their life, in their songs they declared their death, in their writings they declared death, in their talking they decreed their graves to swallow them; that’s another reason for you not to listen all kinds of negative singing, nor give yourself to foolish writings that cannot benefit you.
It does not only imply to those who believe in the bible, but to everyone who’s still breathing the free oxygen in the air. Whether you are deaf, dumb or fully functional, the power of words still rules over you and depending on your thoughts and your utterance of words, so shall you reap the fruits. Every one of us is willing to live in the bright future, but how much of the future do you speak than the past, you remain poor because your thoughts and words are more attached to the past than the future, you remain weak and withered because your roots are pumping bitter waters from the wells of the past. Come on and shake things up, shoot your roots to the future, see the bright side of your life, automatically transform your destiny into your language, speak life and success, speak a way even when you are facing a huge high mountain, see yourself across the deep dark sea ahead of you.

It is really not in some of us, it doesn’t only imply to the wise, we are all living in the same world, all breathing the air contained in this planet, the sun shines upon all our heads, and therefore I emphasize that it’s in all of us, the power of words, the fire of the tongue implies to us all, we are all affected by the principles of life. Therefore you need to take charge and be in full control of what you speak, what you think, for it is also said that from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks; go ahead and begin to speak life, begin to declare prosperity and success upon every area of your life, unconsciously that will stimulate the world around you. Never spit words of death from your mouth, never declare failure in your life, for what you speak today will surely manifest in the near future, there is too much power in your tongue, the kind of fire that can either burn down your future, or light up all the paths of your success. You were never born to suffer, don’t bury yourself alive, begin to spread words of life, climb that mountain proclaiming that you are already at the top.

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