Monday 25 July 2016

Life is never meant to be stagnant, life is all about moving forward, it’s all about changing levels, for where there is change there is growth and liberty .we all know that liberty comes with nothing but nourishment of the soul, body and the mind. We being called and appointed for different visions and missions, we are required to respond with a grateful heart, which will be demonstrated by our devotion unto these callings and visions. You being devoted and doing it with a diligent heart moves you from your present state to an advanced state, meaning a better you is definitely guaranteed, your light keeps on shinning brighter and brighter and the world is cheering and giving you a round of applause in a mighty way because what it lacked it’s finally coming it’s way. The world knows exactly how distinct you are, wow a solution finally came its way, and to the world you are like an answered prayer.
If there is one thing that a person should take pride in and fill free to do is to follow his / her destiny, is to never be ashamed of travelling your own journey with joy because that’s what you were called to do, that’s who you are, that’s your identity and that’s the true definition of who you are. When it comes to your journey be as free as the wind, do not compromise and accommodate them that do not understand whom you are, to yourself be faithful as a dog and about your journey be proud as a peacock.
Why is it so vital to respond to our visions and callings? Well it is because he (GOD) that created us created us because he saw it as very significant act, the world would not make him happy if he looked at the world and found that you are not present. The world had to make him happy and proud when he looked at it but how could it be so without you?… you are so special ,in his sight you are as good as gold .you give this world a great meaning that even words failed to describe, although your picture is not enough to move God and make him content but what is deposited inside of you makes him happy as king  once perceived and put into an exercise and what is deposited inside of you it’s a vision, a dream that will make you take a journey to reach it. In other words responding to our God given visions and callings fulfils Gods heart.
Be of a grateful heart, on behalf of your grateful heart let your actions demonstrate how happy you are to be appointed for such a great opportunity (your vision/calling) by responding to God’s will about your life and fulfilling his hearts desire. Be obedient, you’ve got nothing to lose yet a lot to gain, he that makes God proud shall live his life to see God’s faithfulness. obedience is better than sacrifice, in your journey of obedience to the maker, in your journey of self discovery you will encounter a lot of pain, disappointments, barriers that want to inhibit you, some punches on the face, actually a lot of tragedy but take heart, be of good courage, let not your heart faint ,never open a door of disappointment never be a friend of “ settling for less than what you’ve been destined to be”. let your vision be your motivation ,what you face should never get the best of you to such an extent whereby you utter words of defeat no, face such dilemmas head on, if God is able to  entrust his vision in you and believe that you are the right person to do this then why are you doubting yourself? Why are you giving in, are you bigger than the master? Do you love yourself better that God? if your answer is NO then shut your mouth trust God, fight this thing, triumph over it have an attitude that says nothing is impossible and I cannot die without reaching my vision, understand that it was Given to you because you thee only one who can handle it you’re the only one who can defeat all odds in order for the vision to exist and make a difference that influenced the creator to make you
God saw a solder in you that will fight for his desire, he saw a lawyer in you that will win his case, he never saw you as a failure, he never saw you as the one whose unable …he saw the light of the world. The one that and take a leap of faith and make things happen. Refuse to be stationary that’s not your nature you not serving the purpose. get up and show the universe that life is all about going forth regardless of who is watching or saying what get up and prove to them that gave you an opportunity that many would kill just to have that by picking you a great and a wise decision was perfectly made, by moving ahead each time letting go of fear, understanding that inferiority is foreign in your land.

Strike while the iron is still hot, do not procrastinate neither doubt, keep on pressing forward, keep on keeping on, do away with excuses, the vision can become your reality but then it all lies in your hands, if you believe that you are the right candidate for this vision then I tell you, you’ll be unstoppable, discouragement will not have power over you because the spirit of moving forward is in you and as long as you keep on moving forward you’ll definitely get there. Rome was not built in one day neither should you reach your destiny easily, it all takes time and a lot of fighting but at the end it is worth it, victory is with them that do not give up but them that keep on moving forward no matter what they encounter, what they see does not move them but what is ahead and what needs to be full filled does, be that kind of a person.

by Ndzalama @Vakatekile

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