Wednesday 27 July 2016

Education for massive Transformation

We all know and believe that education is a key to a bright future, it is a key to success, and yes to live in this developed era one needs to be educated about a few things; education does open doors to all people by expanding the way in which the mind thinks, developing skills that are required to solve problems of any sort. However to many it seems like education has become a passport to knock into companies and industries looking for jobs, it has become a dilemma that hinders many from accomplishing what they longed dreamt for. Resumes are being rejected every second by companies all over the world, yes companies need educated people, but just like Darwin said, it’s survival of the fittest, only those with high pass rates are employed in some places, and only those who have insiders are also employed in some corrupted places.
Now, tell somebody to go to school, college or varsity, and tell me if they will have guts to do so if already a bunch of degrees and certificates are rotting under mattresses because there are no enough jobs to suite all those who hardly worked for their education certificates. People have forgotten the main aim of education or going to school, and that is to acquire knowledge, one cannot expand their skills or potential if they have not acquired enough knowledge, another reason the bible describe that people perish from the lack of knowledge, and I would also say that those who are seated with their degrees at home, waiting for a good Samaritan to bring them a job are still lost in a dungeon of darkness and lack of knowledge. You didn’t go to school so that you can add the queues of people looking for a job, but to use your knowledge to unleash the ideas that can bring about developments that also can create jobs.
It is common that for every Goliath in every place there is a stone anointed to bring him down, yet the stone needs David and his swing to be thrown in the right direction of the target. The villages and communities are rich with great minds and people who are only side minded, only waiting to hear about which company has open positions, where can they drop their CV’s, is your potential only limited to submitting a resume, is your knowledge too narrowed that you only think of working for others, how could it feel if people were working for you, yes that moment you don’t even have time to check their CV’s but delegates someone to do that for you, is that not what knowledge is about, is that what education is meant for, to create jobs for other, to develop the neighbourhoods by unleashing the ideas fully packed within you?
Fortunate enough we all know that there are about 6 billion people or more on earth and yet our fingerprints are far different, our thinking capacities and capabilities can never be the same either, we cannot all run amiss looking for jobs, there should be job creators, there should be opportunity makers, from one business to another, from one state to another. With the power of the knowledge we have acquired through education, who are we not to be brilliant, yes education is a key to success, but only if the person has eyes to see where the locker is and where the door is situated. Running around like headless chickens does not serve the world right, “your doing small does not serve the world”. Everyone did see the pictures of your graduation, yes on that nice attire that did cost someone a little fortune, but what is it that you are doing now, what will you do after if you’ve not yet graduated?
It is also true that some of you did what was never your choice to do, but will beating yourself together reverse the time. I hardly or not believe that events of our lives do happen by a mistake, we all know the saying that it is not a rejection but a direction, what if you didn’t do medicine but computer sciences because your company deals with computers and not medical stuffs, what if you didn’t do engineering but communication studies because your company will soon lead all communication networks around the globe, education is a key to success, yes only to the one with a locker or the one who can tell where the door to unlock is, for every person acquires skills which unlocks the secret room full of unique ideas that can revive the world around.
We are living in a strongly and highly competitive and globalized economy, the world keeps transforming every day of our living and it happens that the olden strategies of graduating and getting a job have long expired, it is an era to graduate and initiate programmes and projects that will create jobs, it is high time to use the mind at its best than the strength and keep consuming energy. The world is facing a lot of dilemmas that needs great minds to set it free, the likes of AIDS consuming the sons of men needs thoroughly equipped minds to free the world from, the sickness of other countries politics needs gigantic wisdom fully packed within you to deliver the weak from the corrupt. See, there is a lot to do with education than to just focus on that job, there is a lot to be achieved, a lot to be accomplished.
Whatever many countries and people are doing today is trying to survive the competition of life than living life itself, these are developing and developed countries, educated and highly educated individuals, yet trying to fit in and work under that one idea one had hundreds of years ago. Fortunate enough we are never limited to think, to have ideas of our own, to start something that can change lives, which can transform all our situations and problems into liberating solutions. What the world is doing today is trying to be pastors at the same church, trying to be doctors at the same surgery, trying to be pilots of the same airplane, what a complication of life. It takes years to build wisdom in you and only few seconds to be an idiot, education was not meant to destroy your future, but for you to build your future concretely through such beautiful knowledge you have acquired all these years of struggles and sleepless nights. And now I bodily say that people don’t get more poor because they are not educated, but because of their mind-set about their education. And i say education is meant for massive transformation of lives!!!

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