Monday 1 August 2016

who are you not to be great!!!!


We are all defined by what we do, what we speak, how we do things and our behaviour in everything we encounter. The journey of life is not easy, yet simple to live and go on accomplishing our godly given purposes, the plans and visions we have. However though, there is still a mountain of confusion in everyone’s mind, people tends to question a lot of positive thoughts and ideas, there is too much at stake when something great is discovered within you than when nothing is discovered. When a situation is present and somebody has to rise against it, there are a lot of why and how questions, people ask themselves who are they to be brilliant, what makes them think they can conquer, what makes them think they can be heroes. And bodily speaking, it’s not about the situation, but it’s about who you are, it’s about what made you and what you are capable of.
We are not frightened by the hard times we encounter as we live, we are not discouraged by our incompetence which rises high when we face gigantic problems, and we are not even afraid of the darkness we seem to have fallen into, but we are frightened by our own selves, it is the ability and power within us that we redirect in the path of discouragement, yes it is our light that we are afraid of. We tend to think hardly against ourselves than initiating protocols that are needed to overcome the dilemmas of this world, we wrestle against our life giving ideas because we fail to understand ourselves and what we are capable of. If you are asking yourself about who are you to be rich if you were born in a poor background, also ask yourself who are you not to be.
From generation to generation people suffer from the same thing, people are caged in the same cell without burglars and lockers, you are only waging war against the air, no body caged you, yet you’ve arrested your own self, with your mind being the door keeper. You think you are trying but you also are not doing anything, you think you can change your situation, but the situation doesn’t need to be changed but to be transformed. It is unfortunate people are still running around looking for miracles forgetting that they themselves are miracles. Thoughts are always nourished by what you expose yourself to, you’ve been motivated and inspired for thousands of times yet you’ve never acted even once, you are narrating wonderful achievement stories about other people, where are the lines of your story, if surely they have been and they made it, then who are you not to be?
Time after time we beat ourselves by things we cannot change, a minute that has just passed cannot be retained, yet the one ahead can be fruitful if utilized rightfully. Wrestling against the wall with your bear hands cannot bring down the wall, you need hammers and other equipment to do the job for you. You can’t just close your eyes and expect things to happen by themselves, get up and get things rolling, there are a lot of people looking up to you, when they see you they see a lifetime motivation and believe that they will soon do more than you did, and unconsciously it might happen it be in a negative form if you continue to being negative. What makes you think that to be brilliant is only for certain individuals; top achievements do not have name tags until one decides to name it his/hers. Like it is said “your doing small does not serve the world”.
The concept of laying low doesn’t mean you should not do anything at all, it only mean that in whatever you do, you don’t do it with the tendency of being seen, you do great things, yet not too prideful to think that you are the only person to do it. Perhaps we should look at life in simple terms and do things that'll benefit us and the world around us. If it’s a relationship kind of life, live it until devil himself get jealous, excel in your academic life until there are no more papers to record your excellence, grow higher in business until here are no more spaces to build new developments, live that holy life until the angels decides to learn from you, write those books, articles until you run out of words since there are only about 26 alphabets in the English language. What I'm saying is, in whatever thing you are doing, do it to the best of your ability without limiting yourself with such questions that tend to question  your ability, if you do happen to ask yourself those questions, also ask yourself who are you not to be.
Sometimes we do things because we don’t have other choices, but before that we had a lot of choices, so it is wise to make a good choice and a right decision while you still can. Yesterday is an era of thoughts and past events, today is the right time to do things better than yesterday and tomorrow is the future of excellence, the moment of greatness and the time worth planning if you are still living today. Therefore living in yesterday ruins everything in your life, today can be made meaningless if one drags the negative thoughts of yesterday, tomorrow can be destroyed if one brings the failures of yesterday into the future. Yes you did fail yesterday because you were not prepared enough, but today you have enough time to prepare for all the odds of tomorrow. And I will ask you that with such knowledge, who are you not to be what you always wanted to be.

We are all given opportunities to prove ourselves, to show our strength and to demonstrate our capabilities that we can do even better. Only those who take their chances are described as not losers, no matter how many times they fail and fall, life keeps giving them another chance to rise and shine, to do even greater things than required per their abilities. And yet you still scramble and beat yourself together by throwing such heavy question upon yourself, discouraging your potential, suppressing your abilities. Whatever great thing you are asking yourself against, also ask yourself that who are you not to be.

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