Saturday 13 August 2016

The road of life is mostly shaped in pains and tears, worries and struggles, but it is your duty to create joy. It is so true that success doesn’t bring happiness, but it is happiness that brings success, for whatever thing you do willingly and with joy, you surely shall succeed and be happy with your life. Take a close look at the people who are rich because they sacrificed other people’s life to get rich, those who get positions by evil means, are they happy now, and some made vows and now they are paying the price. Can’t you be strong and be patient with your progress than in need of things very fast. You only need three keys which leads to success; patience,  persistence and perspiration; these three combinations invokes the feeling of excitement and rise the emotion of happiness in your heart and mind, and thus whatever while you are happy, you'll surely be successful in it.
The most unfortunate thing is the fact that people run errands in competition, because your friends and primary school mates are driving cars then you also wants to drive even though you don’t have a driver’s licence. Yes life is a competition, but some competitions don’t need you to sacrifice your future in order to win, you just have to enjoy playing the odds and fate will ensure that you get what you worked for. The very best way of revenge to whatever you’ve been going through is massive success, the sense of proving that every event that you’ve been through was all worth it in the end. Most people strive the road of success without hard work, that’s far more like trying to harvest where you’ve not planted. It takes a seed to grow, fighting hard against harsh seasons, but at the end it bears sweet fruits that you enjoy without thinking what the mother seed could have went through to give you what you want.
People fail to try because their fear of losing is much greater than the excitement of winning; the kind of people who are successful are not those who were born rich, but those who had visions and worked hard to achieve. Failing is another factor that strengthens your ambitions and strategies needed for you to win, not a reason to quit. When people look at a successful person, they only see the public glory, never the deep private sacrifices they made to reach where they are. You'll notice that the harder you work, the more opportunities you create for yourself and other people around you and hence the more lucky you get in succeeding. The real fear of success is procrastination, because success is so heavy and carries many responsibilities with it, and then it is simple to procrastinate and live in other people’s failures.
Every person is meant to run their own race, our distances are not the same, if you are meant for 100m then why bother about 200m strategies?. Learn more about your journey, work hard in your lane and it will all pay off. Asking permission from people will only discourage you from working your way to the top, take to note that there are three types of people in this road, those who are afraid of making things happen, those who watch when things happen and those who make things happen. The people who are afraid to make things happen will give you quotes and examples of people who tried and failed; those who watch things happen will tell you that this and this are for this kind of people, they never include themselves in any good thing. And finally the people who make things happen will tell you that nothing is impossible for them that believe and the dreamers who work hard to make their dreams true.
The error of not designing your own life plan is you falling into someone’s plan which is not enough to carry what you have within you and thus leads you into complete failure. When you are not prepared for a journey, chances are high that you are likely not to reach the destination. Chances are very high for a person to do things that are less productive very efficiently the things that should not be done if they don’t have a vision. Before actions and hard workings, preparation is the best key to success; prepare yourself efficiently before engaging your commitment to your journey and you surely shall be successful. It is therefore good to not try to be a person of success, but be a person of value, in that way your success is described.
It is your attitude and not your aptitude that determines your altitude, is you don’t value your own time, and then don’t expect other people to do so. Unless you stop giving away your time and talents to useless things then you won’t see the greatness of what’s within you and the success of it. Success is determined and described by how high you bounce when you have hit the ground; when you fall once, it’s your opportunity to get up eleven times and run forward towards your goals and visions. The exact difference between a successful person and others is not the lack of knowledge or lack of strength, but it’s the lack of will. Because success is so attached to actions, successful people keep moving forward in such a way that when it happens they fall along the way, they don’t quit, but gather their momentum and keep running the race with courage and will.
The most important strategy is to aim for success that aiming for perfection, don’t be afraid to get it wrong, always secure the right to be wrong, and don’t forget the fact that fear is always lurking behind perfectionism. The best way to journey successfully is to start where you are, using what you have and doing the best you can. Being miserable or motivating yourself is always your choice, take the right path and it will show you its beauty. Making use in the right way this time create an advantage for next time to be fruitful unto you. The real failure in life is when you fail to recognize how close you were to your destination or success the moment you gave up, and its called failure to the exponent infinity.

Dreamers don’t quit, yet work extremely very hard to achieve their dreams; your life is not miserable because there are no jobs around you, but because you are lazy to use your brains which if you do, would create jobs for many. “…your doing small does not serve the world...”

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