Friday 6 May 2016


Life is a journey, a battle field which requires the fittest to survive
When life throws dark times and hardships on you
When you are pressed down, perplexed and thrown side to side
When you look to the left and to the right and you see no sign of help
When you are knocked down, don’t be afraid to get up again

Sometimes you don’t even understand yourself
You are living in desolate and disgrace
Every time when you lift your head you see and feel no hope
Sometimes when things begin to get better, the worse appears like a nightmare
Yet I say to you, get up and say I will pull through

I don’t know you personally but I know you can make it
I didn’t create you but I know that you are not a mistake
I’ve never shared your burden or pain but I trust your potential and abilities
You see only a looser in yourself, but I see a hero and a conqueror
That’s why I say get up and say you'll pull through

You have all the reasons you see valid to give up
Life has never been friendly to you
You tried everything to see yourself successful
All you need is a happy life, yet you live for worries and stress
Can’t you see that you have fallen, and all I ask is for you to get up?

The sea is throwing its waves against you
The desert blows its wind to fight against your prosperity
Poverty has called for reinforcement to bring you down
All your enemies have joined forces to fight you
Yet I say to you, get up and say I will pull through

There is no war for something that is without harm
We fight diseases because they can take lives
We fight thieves because they can steal from us
Devil fights you because you are dangerous and a treat to his darkness world
That’s why I say get up and say you'll pull through

There is too much power in your decisions
The impact of your words can change everything in your life
Never stop speaking success and prosperity
Destroy all negative thoughts by speaking life through your tongue
Get up and say you will pull through, because you can

I know you have enough about your situation
Nothing is changing even if you keep trying
You are not getting a job or passing the way you expected at school
You are not getting the support you thought you'll get
It makes no difference, but hear me out, get up and say I’ll pull through

It is your life, your choices matters the most
You have disappointed so many who tried to help you
Now you feel like a failure and a disappointment to your own self
It is not really your fault the way things have turned out to be
Just keep the momentum, keep going and pressing forward

It doesn’t matter how many of your friends have reached their goals
It doesn’t matter that your competition have won and you seem to have failed
What you have to do is to stop comparing yourself and begin to live your life
Stop wasting your energy and great ideas playing hide and seek
Just get up and stick to your positive momentum

Stop living the ideas of other people and begin to live your purpose
Have you looked for something that you are holding with your hands?
If so, that’s what you are also doing with your future
It is right there in your hands
Stop bothering people. Stop asking for something that’s right in front of your eyes

It doesn’t matter how hard the world has pressed you down
Neither does it matter how many times you have fallen
If you were knocked out ten times, get up and knock it eleven times
If you have fallen nighty nine times, get up and rise hundred times
You are not a loser, get up and say you'll pull through

Don’t allow your situation to write your desolate history
Rather allow your future to shape and write your past situation as testimony
Turn your disappointments into inspiration and motivation to others
Nobody knows you, don’t die anonymous

Get up and say you'll pull through, the game has just began!!!

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