wake up with strength and enthusiasm, but come back with shame and disgrace,
you gather up courage by positively thinking and grab strength from He who
strengthens you daily, but the odds are against your way of success. You tried
flying, but the wind blows powerfully against you, you thought of running but
the stones made you fall a great fall that has never been recorded on earth,
you walked and enjoyed the journey yet for a moment and then stood before you a
stumbling block that seems heavier to your ability. However the world has not
yet left you no choice, you’ve got knees and hands, start crawling.
gather the ideas and inspirations from various places, you motivate yourself
and are courageous that even when you fall, even when life seems tough, even
when things are not working your way; some other time, favour will rain upon
your head, you'll see success, you'll see prosperity, victory is all yours, you
are rich, you will reach your destiny. You cannot stop the waves and winds from
hitting your boat side to side, but you can always maximize the ways of not
sinking and drowning in the deep blue sea that has surrounded your life. They
thought they have cursed you, they think you'll never make it; they see only
sorrows in you, a beggar and a struggler.
Tell you what, never hesitate to prove your
enemies wrong by staying alive and in line with your dreams and visions, don’t
back-down or lose hope. Stop crying and start shouting victory, walk in the
ways of legends and heroes, put yourself together and begin to run the race.
Stop abusing your mind by ideas that never pay up a dollar, don’t support
yourself to hating life because you were afraid to stand for what you want,
what you are born with, to deliver the best of you to this world without
favouritism. Lift up your voice and strike against your number one enemy which
is yourself, and live free to achieve all you have in you. The world waits for
new things, and until you unleash those things, they will remain a mystery, a
myth and undiscovered. Every one of us has a unique and special treasure that
will always beautify your way whenever you choose to walk without giving up or
know the world is beating you side to side, you have no support, no one
understands you. Every time you try something you always fall, people of good
fortune try to help you, they play their best role in your road to a land of
your own palace, but it seems like it is not there, the place you are
travelling to seem to be a myth. You are trying, but not hard enough, maybe you
should stop trying and begin the journey of doing it, trying is not enough
until you decide to do it; trying gives you hopes and reasons that it might not
work, but doing it gives you strength and courage to work it out even if it may
not work, and it will always work.
competition grows tough when you begin to picture yourself with your pals, when
you play the comparison game; you can always tell what your friends have and
you don’t. How about you get to reasoning and understanding that every person
is born unique and upon their own railway, you don’t win because your pal has
won, but because you are holding the winning cards. You don’t just get it done
by stressing through comparison, but by the courage that tells you that if they
had done it, you also can do better. Self-courage and inspiration is always
better than attending seminars looking and expecting somebody to provoke you
into walking towards your own destination.
don’t lose because in the game there is win and lose, but because you were not
in the game from the first place. The question you should ask yourself whenever
your things are not going is simple and easy, ‘am I in the game’? because if
you are, you'll always win, remember you are not a loser but a winner, and
winners don’t quit, winners don’t doubt or discourage themselves, winners don’t
look at the score of their opponents in a rat eye, but through an eagle’s eye
they focus on scoring till the end of the game. It all begins with who are you,
what are you capable of, where are you from, where are you now and where are
you heading to.
down the answers to all your questions in your life begins with what encouraged
you to asking those questions at first. All answers you’ve been always seeking
are not far from you; actually if you can stand on a mirror you can probably
see them nakedly. I’m not telling you that you are the reason why life is hard
on you, but you are the reason why it is worse than it was, you are the reason
your life has been paused like a movie watched by quarrels. Rather stop
throwing stone and flames upon other people, the problem is not with them, but
with you. However I’m not permitting you to blame yourself, but to work
yourself out, to work your way to the top, to understand that life don’t just
happen, but you make it happen. Nothing is a coincidence, everything is
connected, and the connection of all things is supernatural, even the little
guy devil don’t understand it, he’s just a moron trying to manipulate you to
fall into the dungeon of morons led by stupidity! Consider this a friendly
advice from another enormous fellow friend!!!
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