Wednesday 6 April 2016

overcoming temptations


Despising the nice preaching received in the road to one’s salvation from the darkness into light, the likes of living free. Being or becoming a Christian is not an easy task, but it is simple, the life you have to live is not common or usual, it is not like sleeping or walking up; you don’t just dream and live free, you don’t just guess to live, in fact being a Christian is not an easy task, but always simple when one is ready to live by the principles of love.
Now, a Christian life is full of challenges and temptations, we face different kinds of temptations in our every moment of breathing and living. However, not everyone is prepared to overcome those temptations. The lust of the flesh is the number one or mother of all temptations that we find ourselves falling to; submitting to sin, whether it be gossiping, sex(out of marriage or godly bond), gluttony, stealing, cheating, as well as other sins. There are easy sins to overcome from the ones listed, however some are very difficult to cease from or overcome them. We all know that a temptation is not a sin; it only becomes a sin when one gives in to it and engages in it.
Jesus Christ Himself was tempted, yet He didn’t sin. That’s another reason the bible says that He who was tempted in every way, just as we are, yet He did not sin; and that because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted. So temptations are not new today, they always have been there, and it is not only you who are tempted by the temptation you are facing, we all are, it just don’t happen at the same time or in the same manner it happens to you.
There are many ways to deal and overcome temptations, let’s discuss a few below.
To overcome temptations you need the following!
1.    Discover yourself
Every person has special characteristics that differentiate each and every one of us, understanding your own self, your strong points and your weaknesses will help you know the kind of places you have to be, the kind of people to associate with, the kind of food you eat according to your faith in God. Know where you are from, the nature of your family (many Christians suffer from blood line temptations). This will help you ease the chances of being tempted and or avoid many temptations.
2.    Identifying your temptations
Just because your friend or fellow Christian suffers from sex temptations doesn’t mean that you also are under the same suffering. As I said, we are all different, so everyone of us must learn and know what temptations are difficult for you to overcome, knowing exactly which temptations tempts you the most you’ll be able to arm more against it and therefore you will conquer. Understanding your enemy helps you discover their/its weaknesses, and therefore using their/its weaknesses it is easy and simple to overcome
3.     Ask God to give you strength to overcome
A lot of young people always miss it when they go before God in prayer; you are always keen to asking God for forgiveness of the same thing or sin every day. Yes the bible says that we must confess our sins to God and He will forgive us, but continuously it says that we have to let go of such sins after confessing them. It is therefore wise to ask God to give you the strength to overcome your temptations than to ask for forgiveness the whole 365 days of the year
4.    Befriend the bible with God’s wisdom
Usually most difficult temptations comes through the word, different people interpret the bible in a different way, some uses theological knowledge, some uses their living experience, some uses deceiving spirits, and so on. But the point is, don’t attempt to interpret the Word of God with people’s experience or your own understanding, you cannot interpret or reveal God’s knowledge by your poor physical being or carnal mind. Devil tempted Jesus Christ using the word, so what would stop him from tempting you using the word also. Have the kind of God’s wisdom or spirit to guide you discern what is the real truth of a situation by the Word, Jesus defeated the devil by the very same word he tried tempting Him with, you can defeat him also
5.     Speak the language of God during temptation
Many people easily give up in temptation because they are too soft in their language, the bible says that let your no be no and your yes be yes, that’s the language of God. If you know that you don’t want to engage in premarital sex because it’s a sin, then say no to conditions that can cause you to do it, if you know that have to be faithful to your partner, then say yes to your relationship and no to the other lustful ones. To avoid and stay away from temptations you have to be mouthful and strong in your tongue, speak the language of God.
6.    Set an example of faithfulness
Sometimes we think like we are acing it as we lead our Christian life, being prayer warrior, a great young preacher, miracle performer, an apostle, evangelist, usher, deacon, worshipper, or anything you can think of. The question will be ‘are you faithful’ in that aspect, remember 1Timothy 4:12 ‘’do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in faith, in love and in purity’’. Setting an example of faithfulness only mean that your life is presentable to everyone, your speech is well set with humbleness and meekness, you follow after purity and holiness, you love everyone without pretending, and hence you have the God kind of faith
7.    Accept godly counsel

The world is full with zealous young people, anointed and burning with great fire for the gospel; some it’s because they are just gifted some called and some just deceived. Allowing godly counsel helps shape your life and gifts, helps you grow beyond the temptations that are found in the lane of your gift. How many young people can you point which fell due to pride and disobedience, I hope you don’t wish to follow them. Proverbs 19:20 “listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise”. God hate pride; don’t be a victim of pride’s destruction of many generations, “guide your heart will all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life” proverbs 4:23

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