Thursday 14 April 2016

When the storms of life and heavy hails from above hit my way, when everything that I do does not work, that time when I try to rise and something heavy pushes me back down. In the middle of nowhere, in the place where it seems like I’m trapped and there is no hope for me to be rescued. When the days are dark and I have no lights with me, that time when all my friends and family are long gone away from me. What should I do? I am in the middle of a deep sea, I don’t know how to swim, I’ve been shouting SOS and it seems like my rescue chances are limited by 99.9%.
I’ve fasted so many times, casting my prayers upon the Lord, pouring my heart and soul to the great and Mighty God; however it seems like my supplications are just hitting the sky and come back strong and painful on me. I tried sharing what I have with everyone, giving my best to all, but I found myself left with nothing. I give myself time to the scriptures, seeking for knowledge, understanding and wisdom, but I don’t see it coming. I waited in the isle thinking that favour will come my way, but I only see troubles and shameful moments ahead of my path, what should I do?, it’s been long I’ve been at church but I haven’t seen progression.
What should I do my friend, tell me my brother, my sister, different prayers have been made for my life, I nearly got a bald on my head by the laying of hands from a pastor to a prophet, from an evangelist to a miracle performer. I’ve lost even the little capital I had by travelling from north to south, east to west looking for that thing I desire, for my breakthrough, for my prosperity. What should I do when all this have never been fruitful. Tell I and I will do it; I am as hungry as a hunting lion, ready to devour anything standing on my way. My life looks like a mess, but I know there is still one thing that I can do, you just have to say it out loudly and I will do it.
My life looks like a puzzle game; the numbers are way too complicated like they can’t be solved. What should I do? I have submitted my cv, I have applied to more than a thousand companies for a job but yet I got no replies, will I ever work, will I ever get an opportunity to explore my capabilities and to provide for my household, come on and tell me what should I do. Have I been made by a mistake, no I don’t think so, am I at the wrong place at the right time, I do not think so either, then why are thinks not working out, why am I trapped in a cage of worries and distress. I was born in poverty but I will never die poor, for I know that I am rich, however, what should I do to unleash the riches, to turn my situation into a solution, to turn this challenge of life into an opportunity of greatness. What should I do?
Who are you to judge the poor and condemn those that are weary and facing a lot of troubles, why are you so selfish to show them a way of prosperity. Why don’t you teach them the secret behind success? What makes a good Christian, is it money or fame, is it preaching or prophesying, I do not think so, then what it is? What should I do when the world and the church of God is full with pride and unreasonable people, unreliable individuals, those who seeks things only to profit them, those who don’t really care but pretend so, those who does things for human compliments forgetting that it is only God who has the reward for any good work.
When I am cast out by those I trust, the people of my tribe, when I am lost in the desert of life and not knowing the direction I should take. In the middle of distress and confusion, when I do not know where left or right is, when I am hungry and there is no food, when I want to go to school and there is no money, when I’ve looked all over for help and no one is interested, when I carried with me the curse of the past generations, what should I do? I really want to change my life, I really want to change my family’s situation and register prosperity in our line, but what should I do when everything I do always goes the opposite way.
Thank God I have an answer for you, LEAN ON GOD, worship Him for who He is, not what you think He will be. Glorify God for your life irrespective of what has happened or what is happening now. It is only God who can turn everything into your favour, pastors don’t know your purpose, God does, prophets don’t know why you were born, God does, evangelists don’t know why you were cursed, why your life is exactly like that, but God does. Stop wasting your money and time by running for miracles and wonders, stop trying to help God by doing the opposite of what you should be doing, and stop following the crowds into a pit. God’s timing is always the best and perfect, stop rushing things; you might get those that are not meant for you.
We are in this world altogether but we don’t really know how we came and how we will end, it only God who knows. I say to you, worship Him even when the thorns of your path are deeply painful, worship Him with that empty stomach, Worship Him with those tears and that broken heart, with all your disappointments. Worship Him even when you are rejected, cast out like a stranger, spoken badly by your own people or those you trust. You wanted to know what should you do, and exactly I told you the most expensive path you have to follow, this is a path you’ll never be disappointed when you follow it. The path in which all your disappointments will be turned into testimonies, worship God in all circumstances, rejoice in the Lord and in the mighty of His power, nothing is impossible with God, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, even though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil, His rod an staff shall protect me all the days of my life. Indeed the Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want, I have everything, I lack nothing at all, my life is full of everything I have reasons to worship God for, even for this tears and pains, I still worship God, I surrender all to Him.

Lean on God, and trust not on your own understanding, don’t look at what happened as a cause for pain and distress but as an opportunity to nakedly bless the name of the Lord, for He is all good, all righteous, all perfect by Himself, all holy and glorious, the Rock of all ages, He who is what He is!!! What should I do? Worship…

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