Thursday 7 April 2016

It is awful and unfortunate that the house of faith seems to be the one that is poorer than the outside world. People no longer see it worthy to come to God because God’s representatives seem to have lost the roots and the understanding of their authority and ruling power. God surely did not call us to suffer, He did not call us to become beggars and donation seekers, He didn’t even call us to always wait for a good Samaritan to pass our way and throw us a piece of bread. In fact the book of Malachi states that we should bring tithe to God so that there is bread/food in His house.
Now, where is the problem laying with us Christians? Surely we have forgotten or neglected the power that is within us, “my people perish from the lack of knowledge…” Hosea 4:6. We all know that the power of death and life is in the tongue (proverbs 18:21), it is usually said that actions speaks louder than works, but it is always true that the impact of words is much more powerful than that of actions, and that actions follows after words, there will never be action if a word is not unleashed; “and God said let there be light and there was light”, God spoke a word, then an action of light appearance occurred.
Words can bring about death; people perish because of something that has been said, a lot of divorces are a result of the tongue, a single word can divide the whole church, family or any organisation. Words are truly a source of mass destruction. When God divided the generation that was building the tower of babel is because they spoke the same language, they understood each other and their words made them realise that they can reach the heavens if they can build a tower all together. It is Eve’s tongue that led her to the trap of devil during the temptation in the Garden of Eden, the words “you will not surely die” (Gen. 3:4) changed the mind of Eve and thus an action followed.
The tongue has ability to bring the dead to life, to reconcile and bring peace to families, churches. Words can create happiness and excitements; they can build, reproof and correct all errors. The tongue is the power house of what we see with our naked eyes, your life becomes exactly what you declare it to be, your situation always responds through what you say by your tongue. A person who declares poverty will forever be poor, but he who declares riches opens all opportunities of wealth and riches. Many people do live because of what has been said; it is not going to church that makes you live, but what will be said in church has the capability of building or destroying your life. The tongue works like a remote controlled missile; it does not miss the target.
However the Lord Jesus said that the tongue will only speak what the heart is full of (Luke 6:45), this mean that for the tongue to speak sense and life, the heart should be filled with sense and life. The other reason you pray to God for a job and you never get it is because after praying you still declare by your mouth that you don’t have a job, your heart is not filled with what you say you want, maybe you are just praying because everyone is praying, or you are too much excited and not yet understanding how faith works; “For with your heart you believe and are justified, and with your mouth you confess and are saved” (Romans 10:10). You pray and believe with your heart and with your tongue you speak faith towards your request.
Let your tongue be a fountain of life as Jesus said, live to encourage than to critique, speak kind words to everyone, seek to speak life to everything that is dead and it shall come back to life. Ezekiel when he was placed in the valley filled with dry bones, God asked him if the bones could come back to life and I love how this man answered God saying that if only God can speak a word to the dry bones they can come back to life and thus God gave him that platform to speak a word and the bones came to life. Understanding the power of the tongue will help you understand how God works in our lives, He placed too much authority that whatever you say comes to pass. It is said in the book of Job that you shall declare a thing and it shall be established, the light of the Lord will shine on your path.

You shall begin to speak blessings than curses upon your life and the life of others, we need life in the church of God than gossips that destroys the house of faith, we need unity through speaking love than small groups that hate and are jealous to each other. If you are to set an example of a believer, you’ve got to start from what comes out of your tongue; your speech shall be nourished with love and mercy, having the power to build than to destroy. Learn to speak God than devil; the enemy will always say it is impossible, while God always says that there is nothing impossible with Him. The enemy will always say you cannot do it, you’ve got no potential, who are you to be rich when your family background is full of poverty, but God will always say that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you, and that silver and gold belongs to God, seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness will reward you with the addition of all things that you need and want. It’s high time to stop asking ourselves who are we to be good, gorgeous, talented, gifted or anointed, and begin to live and speak good, gorgeous, talented, gifted and anointed. God has placed godly authority in your tongue to speak anything and that thing comes to pass. Speak life, speak opportunities, speak success and prosperity, speak healing and salvation, speak solutions and not problems, speak breakthrough and not obstacles, speak life I say, speak life and you shall experience the hand of God in your entire life, let’s help the outside world to see life in God through speaking life wherever we are, wherever we go, speak life, for there is power in your tongue

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