Thursday 14 April 2016


It is very usual for people to run away from challenges; in fact none of us want to see a pool of challenges upon their life. Sometimes we even twist things so that hard times may pass us, or we do the opposite of what is expected of us to pass a certain challenge. It is not a nice thing to live life full of troubles, full of challenges and always expected to come out a hero. Tough times are meant to happen to anyone of us, difficulties are not only for the poor but the rich also. In this life, we all have something to fight and overcome if we are tough enough.
Now, behind every situation you are facing in your life there is always a solution dressed in shining clothe, ready to feast and celebrate the victory whenever you overcome and are patient enough to wait for the Lord, trusting in Him for your redemption. A challenge, situation or temptation is nothing else but just an unbroken ladder you need to climb in order to rich your destination on that course.
Challenges are mostly depressing, they put you in an atmosphere where you feel weak, hopeless; they can make you float like a paper hit by wind. It is even hard to concentrate or focus in the middle of a hard deep situation, the mind becomes messed and mixed up, you get different kinds of ideas about the deep things you are in, but the first idea or thought of doing things in God’s way is always the best. Situations can make you bleed emotionally, physically and spiritually. Many people are running around, from prophet to prophet, from witches to witches, and all they need is a miracle, just a miracle which can solve their problems and overcome their situations, if you are still doing that, you’ve lost it.
We all hear words that say ‘situations are not meant to hurt us, but to uplift us’. It is easy to hear or say, but not so simple to follow. There is no such a thing as living a life free of troubles on earth, but there is to take your troubles as blessing, you see your situation as a solution. I know that people sometimes needs testimonies to believe that they can come out if they are on a certain situation, but it is always not wise to compare situations because they do not come from the same direction or for the same reason. There are few things you need to do to unleash your opportunity from your challenge or situation.
1.    Be optimistic
Your first approach to a situation determines the outcomes, what you see, say and expect when you are facing hard times is what you will get. Someone once said that our attitude towards life determines life’s attitude towards us. People who have a positive attitude seems to live joyfully and happily in their everyday living as if they do not meet challenges, the truth is they do meet challenges but they look and expect the best out of it.
2.    Empower yourself and be responsible
Sometimes we forget that in whatever circumstance we face in life we are the ones who are still in charge. God did not just entrust us with life, but also trust and believe that in whatever circumstance we will be in, we will always overcome. People usually admit defeat by saying ‘things were meant to be this way, can’t help it or this is who I am I can’t even help it’. What a nice foolish speech. You know; until you become responsible for your life, don’t expect any change. Being responsible and empowering yourself only mean that you speak life on a dead situation, never accept a defeat in your life.
3.    Stop living a lie
Many people in our generation are not really living their lives but the lives of other people, the life of following where the crowds is floating to is not meant for you. Your life is not your friend’s life and you are not attached to anyone, neither will the challenges of your life be defeated by the way in which other used. Know yourself, understand your purpose, and stop admitting defeat, stop living a life of a loser and stop living a lie.

Happiness is a choice, it does not just come to you, but you choose to live with it. People who choose to live happier overcome their troubles just before they even get to them. A person who is happy always searches for the positive side of a situation…

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