Friday 15 April 2016

Many people never stop saying and believing that life is unfair when they encounter challenges and hard times, when thing are not going their way and opportunities seems to be walking miles away from them. One thing we do not take into consideration as we live is that our attitude towards life determines the attitude of life towards us, the way in which you treat life is the same way life will in turn treat you. Life is not unfair, it is just measured in times and seasons, some times are hard and filled with tears, while others are wonderful and brings joy, peace and happiness.
Seasons are different; it can’t be summer and winter at the same time, seasons gives other seasons a time to rule and enjoy the moment. It is so even in life, the events of life normally do not occur at the same time, you can’t be mourning and celebrating at the same time, you can’t be in two places at the same time, and you can’t be sleeping and walking at the same time. That’s exactly the mistake you are making, you are expecting things to rush and happen on your own timetable forgetting that life is measured in time, and time is measured in years of which a year is measured in months, and a month is measured in weeks in which a week is measured in days and a day in hours, so is an hour measured in minutes and minutes in seconds, and all this brings you back to time, it takes time for things to happen.
Living a simple life means nothing but the measure of your understanding towards times. When people mock you, when things are not going your way, in the events where you are rejected, when you lose even the little things you had, when you have a gift, a solution to a certain problem and no one even recognizes you, when you are working hard to pass your exams, to fulfil your business plan, to achieve your dreams and yet it does not happen the way you expected; but you still stand firm, never giving up, never tapping out, holding your visions and dreams in your hands, waiting for your season because you understand that your time has not yet come.
No one wants to hear that their time is not yet, no one wants to be disappointed, and none of us wants to be rejected. All we want is to live and explore, gather riches and do anything we wish to do at any time we wish, but we’ve got to understand that a walk of life is not easy but simple. You don’t dream rich and wake up with all of it, there is a field to plough and seeds to sow, and you also have to work out your way to the top, for if you get there by chances and shortcuts, chances are very high that you might fall a great fall that has never been recorded on earth.
Living a simple life means that you know that you are anointed, you know that you can do better than others, better than your pastor, your elders, your parents or anyone above you, but you still hold your horses, you still submit even when you are not treated fairly. You know that even if you sin or do something against the will of God, He will understand, but still you follow His protocol, you abide and live by His word, trusting Him to open ways for you. Your level of revelation surpass that of everyone around you, but you still submit under their leadership, you still hear them when they speak, you don’t open your mouth against the anointed of God.
The one who lives a simple life does not compare his/her life to other people’s life, you don’t live to impress or entertain people, you don’t live the life of imitating people but your own self and God. You don’t live by years and possibilities, but by faith and God, ‘for in Him we live, move and have our being’; your eyes do not only look at the current situation, your mind is not focused on the troubles you are facing at the moment, you are not affected by the number of years that has passed without you seeing your breakthrough and prosperity; but you steadfast and hold on to what you have, you still hope and believe that your time is coming.
Comparison of another person’s success with how far is your life is one hell of a deadly disease to your dreams and goals, don’t kill your dreams by pressurising your life about times, understand times and live simple, don’t hate them because they are successful and you are still crawling towards your success. Don’t hate them because they just passed you by different cars and you are still typing on foot. Don’t compare your life to your neighbour’s, you are just next to them, but you are not them. Live your life, don’t be an imaginary photocopy, understand times and lead a simple life, don’t pressurize your heart by stressing for no reason

Choose happiness and it will embrace you; it will give you reasons to smile even when you are supposed to cry. Live your life to the fullest, be the best of you and stop limiting yourself, your ideas, your dreams and visions. Don’t waste your time worrying about the issues of life, that time is what you need to solve the puzzle of your life. Always understand that life is measured by time, and time waste is considered time abuse; then stop abusing your time and make good use of every second you have…

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