Friday 15 April 2016


The world today is still struggling behind the definition of what love is, some say that love is the most famous word we use when we need or want something from others, some say that love is an emotional feeling, a deep affection one person has for another. But do these definitions satisfy the heaviness of the word, do they outline the aspects which builds love to be true the way it is? However that’s another question to answer, I love the definition that outlines that love is unconditional selflessness because it does not only tell what love is, but it enables you to understand that people defines love through their personal behaviour and encounters.
 The unconditional selflessness kind of love is agape, this is the matured state of love, and it is seen through the individuals who are always ready to sacrifice their desires and needs for the happiness of others, for peace and true joy. This is the kind of love which is given or offered without expectations of something in return, it involves a lot of efforts and denial of ones greatest position or life for others. People believe that true love does not exist; you can’t blame them because they turn to understand love in their own perspective and experience rather than the way love is; it needs more clarity and spiritual maturity to love unconditionally.
Those who know well will tell you that love which is offered truthfully is not personal, but it is transpersonal and of non-dual qualities that evolve/comes from the depth of one’s true being. This is the kind of love that is not only of words, but it’s more practical and can be viewed from a distance; the kind of love that cannot be explained in terms of emotions or pleasures, it is far beyond physical or emotional perspectives. The bonds of true love cannot be broken, they cannot be destructed, and neither can they be destroyed. The agape kind of love is built by certain elements which are the ones that can be viewed and analysed to ensure that unconditional selflessness exists between two individuals, parties or anything you can think of.
1.    The truth
There is a concept in the bible that says ‘love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth’ and again the one that says ‘But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ’. It is plain that if an individual does not accept one’s truth, then it is not love, it does not matter what kind of truth, the truth is the truth irrespective of the consequences. Most say lying is the best way to get love, but I say it is the best way to destroy it. Love is a spiritual thing, and therefore cannot be truly expressed outside the boundaries of the spirit.
2.    Trust
Trusting totally believes that someone or something is outstandingly reliable, honest, effective and suitable in a certain circumstance. Trust is not something that comes from nowhere, one has to earn it, your life, your behaviour determines whether you can be trusted or not, your attitude towards yourself and other people. I can’t just tell you that I trust you if I have not seen trustable characteristics in you.
3.    Patience and kindness
Waiting and being good is something that always has a reward, if you know the truth about something or someone, your trust is being strengthened and rebuilds every time you see them, however you have to be patient and be good to them until they discover that compassion and be at the same state as you are.
4.    Hope and perseverance
Love believes in possibilities, it believes everything and hopes for the best at all times, it is strong to endure hard times and tough moments, it sees a solution in the middle of problems, it comforts and brings good ideas that stimulates perseverance and patience. Things may be tough, life may be challenging, but the incense of love will always stimulates hope and perseveres until you overcome. Lust will always run away in the times of difficulties, but love will always stay and comforts you, giving you hope for the better.

You can’t just say you love when you have this four letter word in your mouth and dangerously empty in your heart, mind and spirit, and are not ready to suffer the consequences and responsibilities behind love. What brings selfishness, pride and self-boosting is because people are lusting instead of loving, you will always see that by self-seeking, easily angered, they keep wrong records and are rude to their second parties, always trying to prove a negative point. True love exists; it’s just that people don’t want to engage in it, it is a spiritual thing…..LOVE NEVER FAILS

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