Friday 17 June 2016


Hopes stimulates our perspectives, accelerates our visions and dreams, even though sometimes we hope on the things that are never meant to happen, not in the millions of years to come. Every time in our lives, every time when we love we put ourselves in conditions of striving to becoming something great, someone worth of everything great around us, the good company, good partners and family. We perceive our ways and thoughts to be precise and correct, yet we still need counsel and proper advices that'll accelerate our ambitions and zeal towards what we hope and live for. Everyone’s life is surrounded by hopes, yet other hopes leads to destructions and unforeseen circumstances, wisdom is the key to overcoming such kinds of hopes.
Hunger for success is another form of hoping for greater things in the near future, knowing that success never knocks at the door nor does it come uninvited, one has to wake the snoring eyes, fasten the ear belts and put together the armour for future war. Kicking away all circumstances and obstacles along the path to your success need enough energy that’s from wisdom, knowledge and understanding. The sound of thoughts and ideas is very loud in our heads, yet only the best shall be made clear and perfect, only the fruitful shall be considered for greater manifestation of what one’s full off.
When you’re hoping for greater things you know that challenges are common in your path, it’s in your knowledge that disappointments are always looming large around you, yet you believe in your potential, you set up for greatness, you keep feeding your mind with positivity and life changing and transforming kind of words, thinking more about the future than the past. Yes, we all know that the past makes us who we are now, but that’s not our passport to live in the past; it is in the best of our knowledge that yesterday is only a history, tomorrow is another mystery and now, today is the greatest gift from the One and only Creator, make use of every opportunity that you have, make use of those sixty seconds of every minute you have, and know that time and chance happens to them all!
Living without a vision, without a dream or something to hope for is associated with living a false life, a broken life is a life without a vision. In hoping you’ve got nothing to lose at all, your life is maintained by the state of your positive mind, you live for greatness and you always shall conquer all the stakes of odd times. Believing a myth that gives you hopes for a better future is better than believing histories that'll never be again, never believe things you cannot change, never waste your hopes in the things that are not even near your life’s purpose. Living in the past is living a lie, trying to keep the dead is like digging your own grave. All the good of this world is worth fighting for, the righteous walk, the freedom of life, the success of dreams and fulfilment of visions.
If you don’t hope, then you're not living, if you don’t do anything for a better future then you’ve accepted to live in misery and shames, if you don’t love then you’re forever a lost soul. The best the world can give is a stage full of challenges for you to overcome on your way to your shining future, over and over facing all the difficulties and hard times, being rejected by those you love and trust, yet there is still hope for the living and you are not yet dead, live to shine again. Living to fulfil the purpose of life is always stimulated by levels of hopes, born in a poor background, yet hoping to be rich, born blind yet hoping to see, living in the streets, yet hoping for a home, living in rejection yet believing and hoping to be acknowledged among the rich and wise.
It is truly not over yet, you’ve failed several times and once you shall pass, tried so many things to transform your life, and maybe you haven’t done the right things that are capable of transforming your life for better outcomes. Everything is possible with strong hopes, nothing cannot be done, what has been done can be done again, what has never been done can be done, as for there is time and the beginning for everything. Casting away all pressures that burdens your shoulders in caring you vision of life is the first step of hoping in fulfilling those special things packed in you. Hoping for greater things begins with shaping your mind in a positive manner and allowing yourself to be yourself and living in today’s hours either than yesterday.

What you hear daily and think about frequently becomes part of you, do not underestimate the thoughts that are lodged in your brains, they either make you or break you, they have a power of making your hopes to happen, and thus chose to think positively and listen to what can influence your hopes to happen. Hoping for greatness is not really adequate for you to achieve what you want, and therefore you need to engage in activities that have a promising outcome on your hopes. A mind is like a garden,  you can chose for it to be the most beautiful garden or look like a an ugly garden with withered grass, your thoughts are like fertilisers upon the soil of your brains, every fertilisers has its task, and if applied to other things its task is compromised, and everything that is compromised cannot fully function to its greatest ability, and therefore feed your mind with proper fertilisers which are positive thoughts and brilliant ideas which are capable of accelerating your hopes into fulfilment of all your dreams and visions…….

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