Friday 3 June 2016

Stop being afraid to get it wrong

It is often not enough to get your mind fed up by motivations
Nor does it end on being inspired
To achieve great things sometimes requires you to stop asking for permissions
You can’t always fly to reach the top
Get the ladder and begin climbing your way up

People never share their top secrets of success
Life is a race and to win you have to be creative
To be creative you have to cast out fears of getting it wrong
An extraordinary person is the one who’s not afraid to try again
Looking is not enough until you see your way of excellence

Walk from failure to failure until you gain enough enthusiasm
You'll understand the concept of waiting for good things
But desire the one of getting greater things by pursuing them instead of waiting
You are the one who faces the crisis and the people see your success
Don’t try to be successful, you are successful, just value yourself

Fears and depressions are only there to frighten your future
Disappointments and condemnation are there to strengthen you
It’s only a road full of thorns and potholes just for a litte distance

Those who cast you like a dog will soon embrace you as their own hearts
I am the best of me because I'm not afraid of getting it wrong

Learn to live peacefully with your soul, spirit and body
Suffering your mind with stress and depression decreases your life span
The sense of positive words out of your mouth strengthens your mind
It is not those who raise their voices who wins a talk but the ones who improve their arguments
The way of success seems bitter to us but it is sweet in disguise

Dig the grave and ask the wise why they didn’t get what they wanted
 I'm afraid the answer would be ‘I was afraid to get it wrong’
An idea that is not trusted by the thinker is not truly an idea
To make clear your way you must stop conceiving immature ideas
Build it in yourself until it is grown enough to unleash an opportunity for you

People with status quo mind-set discuss failure because they are comfortable with it
People with doubt and fear mind-set discusses fantastic ideas but can’t implement them
The courageous and vigour mind-set provides mission and objectives to achieve an idea
It is always said that bad company corrupts good character, who is with you?
Be the master of your dreams, stop asking for opinions

Being lazy is another monster that keeps on appearing when you are about to have your breakthrough
Saying ‘I will do it later’ is a nightmare that destruct your vision of success
Not knowing is like a disease that destroys the mind
It’s a bad thing to think low of yourself
And always wise to make use of every opportunity you get

Hope in what will benefit you and despise what consumes your time for nothing
Believe in yourself and your capabilities, that’s what builds the best of you
Have nothing to do with those who think foolish ideas, they’ll ruin your reputation
Sometimes you have to let go of the good to get the great
A problem is not a problem until you react

Be knowledgeable enough to understand that some people are afraid of your success
They will encourage you nothing but to quit
Bulks of them are also too afraid to try, have no fellowship with them
Be always intoxicated with success and prosperity
It always doesn’t matter what you look at, but what you see matters

Your size is much bigger than the problem you are facing
You are and have billion solutions to any different kind of a problem
A solution is not valid to overcome a certain problem until forcefully applied
It is only the strong who survive natural selections
Only those who see a solution out of a problem overcome its miseries

Stop being afraid to get it wrong, work your dreams out
It is an expectation of great outcomes that’ll push you to work them out
They say that if you can’t fly, then run
And if you can’t run, then consider walking
If walking seems difficult for you, then crawl

                              But whatever you consider, keep moving forward

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