Saturday 4 June 2016


Gigantic storms of life, the terrors of the deep nights and disasters of hard times
The age of breathless, the era of condemnation
Ceaseless moments of worries and depression
Caged in its secret room, kept and bound together by chains
Its name is fear, it hopes for nothing but distraction and disaster

It’s an emotion sent to steal and destroy hopes of many
Doesn’t give a second chance to think again
Overcomes the senses of self believe and trust
Develop low self-esteem and lack of choices
It is FEAR, false evidence appearing real!!!

Nevertheless there is a gift from God, a gift that stimulates hopes
The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
Joy and peace comes from its core
It’s very deep, wide and higher than anything ever high
It is faith, it hopes for life and prosperity

Fear sees and it’s forever frightened by everything concerned
Faith believes before it sees and yet hopes for greater things’
Fear comes by believing illusions, false evidence and lies
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God
In the presence of fear the road is narrow and cannot be reached

Those who are afraid to get it wrong are driven by fear
Those who are not afraid to get up and try again have enough faith to make it through
It is faith that says no mountain too high, no river too deep
Lying down in a bed of tribulation and pain, yet I will rise again
Having nothing in my house and pocket, yet I have plenty to live not to survive

Casting out all fears unleashes the desires of your true being
Cast it out and faith will forever dwell in you
In the deep cold, with nothing warm in my arms, yet I keep warm
Deep in the desert of life, dry and thirsty, yet I live and enjoy green pastures
Fear is always afraid of time, faith understand how time works and wait patiently

The more fear grows, the more it becomes uncontrollable
With fear you don’t have time to reason with what you see or hear
It is both hard and difficult for fear to cross the line of success
Why let a four letter word devour your dreams and visions
Living a lie, living not what you are designed for

Faith can make things happen for you, and you don’t need to be told
Faith stimulate trust, love and hope
The only three combinations of characters that can see your life through
Life is not a walk in the park, but with faith the journey is made simple
Your path will forever be enlightened by its lights

You have fear because you heard them saying something wrong about it
You have faith because you believe you can do it
Fear comes from the frightening spirit of the darkness
But God did not give us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and self-discipline
Faith comes from the spirit of God having a plan to prosper and give you a future

Faith keeps in track the pattern of sound teachings and motivations
Maintains your character by keeping the good things you come across every time
Faith deepen your roots in Christ so that you may lack nothing
Faith accelerates your ambitions and zeal

FAITH-find assurance in trusting Him

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