Friday 10 June 2016


Perplexed side to side, and intoxicated by the issues of life
The eyes blinded by situation that aims to consume a soul
In the deep dry desert surrounded by hills and mountains
My soul cry, my spirit mourn for my dreams seems to fade
Yet I look up to the hills believing that my help will soon come

They have taught me, but never made me learn
At the look of an eye all events of life seems to be vanity of vanities
The troubled heart is still in pain, the hard workers never see their fruits
I seem alive and happy yet my spirit cries for peace of mind
I surely have worked hard to achieve my goals, yet I encountered disappointments

I've been searching for a shade to hide my head from the heat of the sun
It is not the hails of the sky falling drastically that I desired
The green pasture covers itself away from me
The fresh flowing waters are millions of miles away from my path
Yet when I behold the hills and the mountains I hope again

But I know that time and chance happens to us all
And for everything there is a season, a time to measure the events occurring on earth
I have fallen, yet I will rise again and run with great momentum
I failed, yet I will step up and I've got nothing to lose
I look up to the hills and my help comes from the Lord

Behind the hills there is my hope and believe again
The journey is still long, though the path is just narrow
It is not the look that matters, but what you see when you look
When I look up to the hills, I see the Lord lifting me up
As the mountains are higher than the ground, so shall the Lord lift me up

Above my sorrows and shame I shall triumph
Above my disappointments and discourage I shall testify victory
With the eyes of my trust I look up to the hills, where will my help come from
For I know of God who is able, for my sake He’ll not be silent
He has rescued me before, He has enriched many, and thus I look up to Him

With the Lord I have nothing to lose, for behind the wilderness there is glory
My deserts shall be turned into rivers flowing with living waters
My desires shall be met with His righteousness and riches
Yet I will still live to see the days of great glory and victory
Yes I look up to the hills and my help comes from the Lord God Almighty

Born to live in glory, my head lies beside the still waters
In the mountains, when I behold in the hills I saw riches and I know I'm rich
I then saw and understood that I have no portion in poverty
I am born with a purpose that will heal and liberate the world around me
After looking, I saw myself because I am the solution

I look up to the hills and my help comes from the Lord God Almighty

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