Thursday 9 June 2016


Born in bondage, tears and sorrows has become your daily bread, you eat it, drink it, clothe it and sleep on it. Life has shown you no mercy; opportunities are always running away even from your shade or smell. You find disappointments every time you turn on your left, and discouraged always when looking to your right; then you begin asking yourself a lot of questions, you begin to lose the little hope that’s left on you. There is no one who is morale enough to help, no one cares about your situation, it seems like you are born to suffer, yet that’s only a myth trying to manipulate your mind.
Waiting patiently on time, thinking that everything will work out, thinking that all the wounds will be patched and healed by fate, only to find that the days are only getting darker, the desert seems not to end. It begins to look and seem as if the earth is opening its door for you to pass to the land of the dead, your time was but little around the living, yet I tell you that you won’t die before you reach your destiny, not before you enjoy the goodness of what your life was truly designed for.
We all are born for a purpose, we have something that the world is hungry for, yet because our being itself not mentioning our purpose intimidates the opposition, then the opposition does its best to inhibit us from unleashing the greatest potential that’s inside of us .knowing that you’re a winner fuels you with hope, faith and sufficient motivation that helps you face them head on, yet triumph over them.

You’re so powerful, so strong and great, your greatness cannot be measured against ones greatness, if one starts to do so that somebody is losing perceptiveness of whom they are and what they are born to do and that my friend can make you to live a life that you not supposed to live, you would have stolen to the world the gift that you are and tell me who will fill in the void, no one , because there can never be another you in this world nor in heaven, you are unique and since there can’t be another you it means you became selfish to the world ,you stole from the world its precious gift ,you became unfaithful to the one who trusted that you'll definitely quench the thirst of the world, you showed that you’re ungrateful for being the only one that can liberate this world from its curiosity about what you can possibly bring in this world which has never been here before.
Even the stars cannot be seen all nights, because some nights are covered by clouds, yet the stars still shine in the inside. Not every day is your day, some days are packed and decorated with tears and sorrows, some are designed to test your patience and yet there are days of great triumph, days of great joy and happiness, and on that moment when you stand, everyone who despised you will regret they never did. Those hard times and trials are not meant to destroy or kill you, but to prepare and purify you for greatness. Those special jewellery you are wearing comes from ore, comes from something that has underwent a lot of processes, a lot of fires, they burnt until they are that beautiful, can’t you stand that little fire you are going through, for yet you can still do it.
Precious will be the moment and the time where you'll be able to see and testify that all was worth it, on that time you'll wish it could have been more than it is now, however, time and chance happens to us all. With nobody thinking you can make it, with nobody supporting your path, with nobody encouraging you, yet you can do it, you'll make it to your destiny, just hold on to what you have, stick to the path without looking to the right or to the left, stop comparing yourself with them, you are way more than that. Put on the whole armour of success, the armour of prosperity, righteousness and love, live your life today as if tomorrow you'll be no more.
Things may not be going your way, things may not be happening for you, life may be extremely hard on you, you may be sleeping and waking up with tears and pain on your face every day, you may not know what else to do to make your life worth living, you may be stranded and stuck in the place called nowhere, you may be feeling rejected and unwanted, you may be eating sorrows and drinking pain, your wounds are so painful in your heart as if it was pissed by a sharp knife, your hope and desire to do good and achieve your goals and dreams may have been compromised by time, by everything and everyone around you, but I tell you, keep watching and waiting, keep up the good work without giving up, losing everything you have and the most important things in your life, your reputation, your recognition, I say again, yet you can still do it, you can make it.

All your promising opportunities running into vanity, all your efforts into nothing, you’ve worked all day, all night, all years, yet nothing seems to take form, your life is shapeless, nobody wishes to be you as you think. The most discouraging and perfect illusion that can mess up your whole life is believing that you are nothing, its believing that you are born to suffer, believing that you are just like the rest. That moment when you accept the rest is when you have signed the contract of defeat, accepting that you are a loser makes you nothing but a complete failure that hides around time. Stop acting fake and live in your reality, because your reality has nothing to lose, your reality has nothing to fail, reality believes that everything worth working for is enough to yielding great results; reality believes that in your right path you'll always do it!

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