Monday 6 June 2016

Cure it!!!!!

Blood lines, bad lucks, unforeseen challenges of no opportunities
Lack of knowledge, doing things without passion and love
The drama of begging, laziness and fear
The narrow vision, leading a life without purpose
The mourning, cries and sorrows of poverty

Scientists and doctors discovered a lot of sicknesses and diseases
Some with enough cure, some send many souls in desolate
Still a lot to hope for when we see one attacked by a virus or pathogen
We sit back and believe in the magic of science, hoping in the power of God
Yet poverty is a mind sickness with no pill to heal

A child born in poverty is born in bondage
The chains are so tight evening negotiating for the free life
Caged in a cave of no beginning but an end afar
With but a little hope that things will turn around
The pain of a father, a mother who can’t help it seeing sufferings but yet a little hope

The mind that is in bondage needs liberation by its own reciprocal
Radical change enforcement behind the brains
The entire cure is designed and built in thy self
It is a perpendicular protocol that instigate the end of the sickness
Poverty is nothing but a sickness that can cure itself when allowed to

Pity for the one who give up because of poverty
Hi, step up and begin to give it the right cure, stress is a molecule which will only accelerate it
A sickness or disease only put the system under pressure until the system kills itself
You my friend are too young to die
Poverty, poverty! Noting but a damn fool, a little virus with no ambition

I was born poor yet I refuse to die even an inch near it
The generation privileged with enough technology and development
Why not take advantage over it and transform your life
We are covered by overflow of information, too many resources
No reason for poverty to enslave you, cast out the disease

Poverty has no right to enslave you, no right to make your life miserable
All knowing that you are not born by mistake, don’t count yourself a failure
We always start somewhere to get somewhere
There in the bottom of nothing to the heights of something great
Physically working hard doesn’t usually put it together, use the brains

When the mind is fed up with wisdom, knowledge and understanding
Fortune, love, money and fame just follow your trails
The invisible thriller of life is that credit is given to wrong people sometimes
Those who get to be seen but never behind the scenes
Those who get paid for doing nothing

Life needs to be nourished by feeding your mind with moving ways
A positive mind will always be the perfect cure for everything
The eyes to see a way in the middle of obstacles
An eager to living a purposeful life, a life with a better future
All life begins, all life are destined to reach the end, don’t ruin it

We probably watch closely when we are healing wounds in our flesh
The same effort is needed to heal that poor life
Can’t eat crap, can’t dress crap, and can’t live in a scrap house, yet in Christ!
The bible, the manual of life full of wisdom and life, never supporting weakness and poverty
“Ask, it shall be given to you, seek and you'll find….”

You are sick and mentally disturbed when you are poor
You are crippled, helpless and cursed
You are perplexed, condemned and left in desolate
There is no body but your own self to help you
Can’t keep calling people for help when it is you that you need

Life is indeed measured by time, and time waste is abuse
The special treatment desired and recommended to heal you is yourself
Take a step forward and begin to walk out from that room of poverty
You were sent to the room of riches, the pastures green
“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, He leads me beside still waters, and He makes me lie down in green pastures…”

One man poor, a lot of generations cursed through his blood
It’s a challenge to be born poor, but a chance to prove yourself
The power to instigate change is within you
The ability and capabilities of transforming are fully packed in your system

Find yourself, find the cure of poverty

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