Friday, 17 June 2016


Hopes stimulates our perspectives, accelerates our visions and dreams, even though sometimes we hope on the things that are never meant to happen, not in the millions of years to come. Every time in our lives, every time when we love we put ourselves in conditions of striving to becoming something great, someone worth of everything great around us, the good company, good partners and family. We perceive our ways and thoughts to be precise and correct, yet we still need counsel and proper advices that'll accelerate our ambitions and zeal towards what we hope and live for. Everyone’s life is surrounded by hopes, yet other hopes leads to destructions and unforeseen circumstances, wisdom is the key to overcoming such kinds of hopes.
Hunger for success is another form of hoping for greater things in the near future, knowing that success never knocks at the door nor does it come uninvited, one has to wake the snoring eyes, fasten the ear belts and put together the armour for future war. Kicking away all circumstances and obstacles along the path to your success need enough energy that’s from wisdom, knowledge and understanding. The sound of thoughts and ideas is very loud in our heads, yet only the best shall be made clear and perfect, only the fruitful shall be considered for greater manifestation of what one’s full off.
When you’re hoping for greater things you know that challenges are common in your path, it’s in your knowledge that disappointments are always looming large around you, yet you believe in your potential, you set up for greatness, you keep feeding your mind with positivity and life changing and transforming kind of words, thinking more about the future than the past. Yes, we all know that the past makes us who we are now, but that’s not our passport to live in the past; it is in the best of our knowledge that yesterday is only a history, tomorrow is another mystery and now, today is the greatest gift from the One and only Creator, make use of every opportunity that you have, make use of those sixty seconds of every minute you have, and know that time and chance happens to them all!
Living without a vision, without a dream or something to hope for is associated with living a false life, a broken life is a life without a vision. In hoping you’ve got nothing to lose at all, your life is maintained by the state of your positive mind, you live for greatness and you always shall conquer all the stakes of odd times. Believing a myth that gives you hopes for a better future is better than believing histories that'll never be again, never believe things you cannot change, never waste your hopes in the things that are not even near your life’s purpose. Living in the past is living a lie, trying to keep the dead is like digging your own grave. All the good of this world is worth fighting for, the righteous walk, the freedom of life, the success of dreams and fulfilment of visions.
If you don’t hope, then you're not living, if you don’t do anything for a better future then you’ve accepted to live in misery and shames, if you don’t love then you’re forever a lost soul. The best the world can give is a stage full of challenges for you to overcome on your way to your shining future, over and over facing all the difficulties and hard times, being rejected by those you love and trust, yet there is still hope for the living and you are not yet dead, live to shine again. Living to fulfil the purpose of life is always stimulated by levels of hopes, born in a poor background, yet hoping to be rich, born blind yet hoping to see, living in the streets, yet hoping for a home, living in rejection yet believing and hoping to be acknowledged among the rich and wise.
It is truly not over yet, you’ve failed several times and once you shall pass, tried so many things to transform your life, and maybe you haven’t done the right things that are capable of transforming your life for better outcomes. Everything is possible with strong hopes, nothing cannot be done, what has been done can be done again, what has never been done can be done, as for there is time and the beginning for everything. Casting away all pressures that burdens your shoulders in caring you vision of life is the first step of hoping in fulfilling those special things packed in you. Hoping for greater things begins with shaping your mind in a positive manner and allowing yourself to be yourself and living in today’s hours either than yesterday.

What you hear daily and think about frequently becomes part of you, do not underestimate the thoughts that are lodged in your brains, they either make you or break you, they have a power of making your hopes to happen, and thus chose to think positively and listen to what can influence your hopes to happen. Hoping for greatness is not really adequate for you to achieve what you want, and therefore you need to engage in activities that have a promising outcome on your hopes. A mind is like a garden,  you can chose for it to be the most beautiful garden or look like a an ugly garden with withered grass, your thoughts are like fertilisers upon the soil of your brains, every fertilisers has its task, and if applied to other things its task is compromised, and everything that is compromised cannot fully function to its greatest ability, and therefore feed your mind with proper fertilisers which are positive thoughts and brilliant ideas which are capable of accelerating your hopes into fulfilment of all your dreams and visions…….

Wednesday, 15 June 2016


Nonetheless you are still despised and untrusted
They despise you all because they are afraid of you
They strongly know that you are so focused in whatever you do
Yet they neglect that knowledge and cause you to live in misery
However, in the cage you are in you still roar and conquer

The power within you is like dynamite
In you lies boundless energy which stimulates you in being idealistic
You never cease from your path until you reach your destination
You are way too passionate and zealous in everything you do
You achieve great things from the knowledge of not knowing what can’t be done

Nations would be flourishing in success if you were trusted enough
Organisations would be doing great things if they knew they could rely on you
Churches would be truly perfect if they groomed you and used you in the right way
It is God who entrusted you with such abilities, yet man despise it
Don’t blame them, they only believe in an illusion whispered in their ears

You never lose because you were born a winner
You never fail because you do everything that needs to be done
Your strength is under estimated yet you conquer worlds
You never become jaded by any life’s hard times and disappointments
Whenever you are inspired you rise and do great things

Giant situations and problems are simple solutions in your eyes
Any obstacle or hindrance is never a threat to you, nothing holds you up
You see the future with an eagle’s eye and grab whatever you want
Because you are easily inspired you sometimes follow the wrong path
You do things mightily, yet can’t really differentiate good from bad

Your visions are so clear and you do everything to achieve them
You sometimes never pay attention to the Old’s experience advises
Your idealistic nature causes you to narrate your own adventure of life
Your power is so naïve and sometimes extremely dangerous
You sometimes forget that you can’t do everything by yourself

Yet your power is so dynamic, so unstoppable
In all you do, you approach everything with clean slate
You have dramatic changes in your mind that invokes you to transform very fast
Never neglect yourself, you might lose it
You live to always see yourself at the top

You usually lack the value of experience, since it’s only a discourage to you
You live to set a radical change example, living in the world of possibilities
You live to fulfil a godly purpose and a holy plan
Your strength is undisputed, your goals unforeseen
It is the power behind a young person, stimulating your dreams, keeping you going

Let love decorate your passionate heart
Let respect and honour cover your steps and breathe
Hear council; accept advises

 and your path shall be made clear
Look after knowledge; seek for wisdom and understanding will keep you from all dangers
The power in you is enough to see you through, enough to lift you up on high

It is the power behind a young person, don’t despise it!!!

Friday, 10 June 2016


Perplexed side to side, and intoxicated by the issues of life
The eyes blinded by situation that aims to consume a soul
In the deep dry desert surrounded by hills and mountains
My soul cry, my spirit mourn for my dreams seems to fade
Yet I look up to the hills believing that my help will soon come

They have taught me, but never made me learn
At the look of an eye all events of life seems to be vanity of vanities
The troubled heart is still in pain, the hard workers never see their fruits
I seem alive and happy yet my spirit cries for peace of mind
I surely have worked hard to achieve my goals, yet I encountered disappointments

I've been searching for a shade to hide my head from the heat of the sun
It is not the hails of the sky falling drastically that I desired
The green pasture covers itself away from me
The fresh flowing waters are millions of miles away from my path
Yet when I behold the hills and the mountains I hope again

But I know that time and chance happens to us all
And for everything there is a season, a time to measure the events occurring on earth
I have fallen, yet I will rise again and run with great momentum
I failed, yet I will step up and I've got nothing to lose
I look up to the hills and my help comes from the Lord

Behind the hills there is my hope and believe again
The journey is still long, though the path is just narrow
It is not the look that matters, but what you see when you look
When I look up to the hills, I see the Lord lifting me up
As the mountains are higher than the ground, so shall the Lord lift me up

Above my sorrows and shame I shall triumph
Above my disappointments and discourage I shall testify victory
With the eyes of my trust I look up to the hills, where will my help come from
For I know of God who is able, for my sake He’ll not be silent
He has rescued me before, He has enriched many, and thus I look up to Him

With the Lord I have nothing to lose, for behind the wilderness there is glory
My deserts shall be turned into rivers flowing with living waters
My desires shall be met with His righteousness and riches
Yet I will still live to see the days of great glory and victory
Yes I look up to the hills and my help comes from the Lord God Almighty

Born to live in glory, my head lies beside the still waters
In the mountains, when I behold in the hills I saw riches and I know I'm rich
I then saw and understood that I have no portion in poverty
I am born with a purpose that will heal and liberate the world around me
After looking, I saw myself because I am the solution

I look up to the hills and my help comes from the Lord God Almighty

Thursday, 9 June 2016


Born in bondage, tears and sorrows has become your daily bread, you eat it, drink it, clothe it and sleep on it. Life has shown you no mercy; opportunities are always running away even from your shade or smell. You find disappointments every time you turn on your left, and discouraged always when looking to your right; then you begin asking yourself a lot of questions, you begin to lose the little hope that’s left on you. There is no one who is morale enough to help, no one cares about your situation, it seems like you are born to suffer, yet that’s only a myth trying to manipulate your mind.
Waiting patiently on time, thinking that everything will work out, thinking that all the wounds will be patched and healed by fate, only to find that the days are only getting darker, the desert seems not to end. It begins to look and seem as if the earth is opening its door for you to pass to the land of the dead, your time was but little around the living, yet I tell you that you won’t die before you reach your destiny, not before you enjoy the goodness of what your life was truly designed for.
We all are born for a purpose, we have something that the world is hungry for, yet because our being itself not mentioning our purpose intimidates the opposition, then the opposition does its best to inhibit us from unleashing the greatest potential that’s inside of us .knowing that you’re a winner fuels you with hope, faith and sufficient motivation that helps you face them head on, yet triumph over them.

You’re so powerful, so strong and great, your greatness cannot be measured against ones greatness, if one starts to do so that somebody is losing perceptiveness of whom they are and what they are born to do and that my friend can make you to live a life that you not supposed to live, you would have stolen to the world the gift that you are and tell me who will fill in the void, no one , because there can never be another you in this world nor in heaven, you are unique and since there can’t be another you it means you became selfish to the world ,you stole from the world its precious gift ,you became unfaithful to the one who trusted that you'll definitely quench the thirst of the world, you showed that you’re ungrateful for being the only one that can liberate this world from its curiosity about what you can possibly bring in this world which has never been here before.
Even the stars cannot be seen all nights, because some nights are covered by clouds, yet the stars still shine in the inside. Not every day is your day, some days are packed and decorated with tears and sorrows, some are designed to test your patience and yet there are days of great triumph, days of great joy and happiness, and on that moment when you stand, everyone who despised you will regret they never did. Those hard times and trials are not meant to destroy or kill you, but to prepare and purify you for greatness. Those special jewellery you are wearing comes from ore, comes from something that has underwent a lot of processes, a lot of fires, they burnt until they are that beautiful, can’t you stand that little fire you are going through, for yet you can still do it.
Precious will be the moment and the time where you'll be able to see and testify that all was worth it, on that time you'll wish it could have been more than it is now, however, time and chance happens to us all. With nobody thinking you can make it, with nobody supporting your path, with nobody encouraging you, yet you can do it, you'll make it to your destiny, just hold on to what you have, stick to the path without looking to the right or to the left, stop comparing yourself with them, you are way more than that. Put on the whole armour of success, the armour of prosperity, righteousness and love, live your life today as if tomorrow you'll be no more.
Things may not be going your way, things may not be happening for you, life may be extremely hard on you, you may be sleeping and waking up with tears and pain on your face every day, you may not know what else to do to make your life worth living, you may be stranded and stuck in the place called nowhere, you may be feeling rejected and unwanted, you may be eating sorrows and drinking pain, your wounds are so painful in your heart as if it was pissed by a sharp knife, your hope and desire to do good and achieve your goals and dreams may have been compromised by time, by everything and everyone around you, but I tell you, keep watching and waiting, keep up the good work without giving up, losing everything you have and the most important things in your life, your reputation, your recognition, I say again, yet you can still do it, you can make it.

All your promising opportunities running into vanity, all your efforts into nothing, you’ve worked all day, all night, all years, yet nothing seems to take form, your life is shapeless, nobody wishes to be you as you think. The most discouraging and perfect illusion that can mess up your whole life is believing that you are nothing, its believing that you are born to suffer, believing that you are just like the rest. That moment when you accept the rest is when you have signed the contract of defeat, accepting that you are a loser makes you nothing but a complete failure that hides around time. Stop acting fake and live in your reality, because your reality has nothing to lose, your reality has nothing to fail, reality believes that everything worth working for is enough to yielding great results; reality believes that in your right path you'll always do it!

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Devil’s language

 Nevertheless we live in the world that is never stable, there are a lot of innovations, transformations and evolving running around from cost to cost, one nation to another, from continent to continent, and as well as from one mind to another. Despite the fact that the mind is full of thoughts and always having ideas, it is also true that most of this thoughts and ideas are not worth living for. Almost every person has been taught to believe in themselves, every one of us is content about living their dreams, their purpose, living a life not discriminated by anything.
Nonetheless I have perceived the ways in which many people are going, the road which they turn to travel, the things they do with this perfect gift of life that God has given them. A lot of people believe and live an illusion, something that is not true about them. Illusions do not come naturally from you, neither from God; illusions are one kind of devil’s language that he uses to communicate with each and every one of us. You become totally convinced that the life you are living is the kind of life that is meant for you, your mind becomes diluted until you begin to believe that everything that is acceptable to God is His will.
Illusions are discriminations and mind destruction forces that always aims to shifting you from your right position, from your way of success; illusions intervenes with your true thinking capacity, your decision making senses and instigate self-destruction protocol. Because people say something is hard doesn’t mean it will be hard for you, because other people make a living without doing anything doesn’t mean you also shall sit back and relax. Success does not come because of all your hard work, but because it is part of your true destiny, because of God’s favour and grace. Though you may try, you'll never ever run away from your own self.
Living in an illusion means that your mind is narrowed and directed in one direction, you judge your future by what has already past forgetting that our past makes us who we are now, and that it serves as a lesson to warn us that if we should have done things differently things should have taken a different shape. Despite your ability to transform things around you, all you can do is think the worse out of yourself, thinking badly about everything around, never believing in any change in your life. Living a life trying to change the past, trying to control things you can’t totally control forgetting that the moment you think you are in control, that’s the exact moment you are out of control, and things are all out of hand.
Believing in the deceptions of the mind is like seeing yourself enjoying cabbage with a lion, it’s always a myth that you can’t change or make it. The way you see things is not the way things should always be, thinking that you are right about everything and the world is wrong, believing that life is unfair is a disease that makes you think things should always go your way. You end up being very exhausted, confused and frustrated because of shut down everyone who was supposed to help you; all you feel is that you can do it by your own self. Life is a journey and no matter how complicated the puzzled roads, by the help we can get from others and from the guidance of God, we all should locate the exact road that leads to our destination.
Your choice to be happy because there is someone who make you happy is not a good idea to live with, it is the work of devil which makes it unworthy for you not to live a happy life before a third person makes you happy. Choose to be happy before your love ones entertain you, in that way you make life a lot easier for them to stay around you and share both your joy and theirs with you. Stop living a lie, living the life that is way far from your purpose, far from doing you good; you are your own motivation; win that battle in your mind by resisting that pride, resisting all kinds of deceptions, illusions that will only support your down-fall. Always remember that the work of this devil thing is to make you confortable in the way of destroying yourself.
Until you take charge and stop believing in illusions, your road remains narrow, your vision and dreams remains a myth. Don’t forget that dreams don’t come true, but they are made true by those who stop following them but chase them instead. Since Christ did free us from the snare of our enemy, it is again our duty to attach ourselves to the things and ways which will always see our minds liberated and transformed into the state of discerning illusions from facts and truth. Not everything you think is true and worthy to be implemented, that’s another reason there is what is called an opinion, and hence not all opinions are good ideas. Yes believe in yourself, but don’t make yourself too much valuable than other people around you, think of yourself greatly but don’t undermine others as well.

Illusions are thieves sent to steal, kill and destroy your dreams, to create self-destruction and collateral damage and also to make you the worse failure in the history of human kind. Don’t forget that your mind and senses are the core factors and the centre of your decision making palace, therefore it is wise never to believe in everything you feel or think. Knowing and being true to yourself always drives devil away from you, always drives him mad and left without an option in causing you to destroy your own self. Sometimes to kill something we don’t need guns or knives, we don’t need poisons, but by gathering ourselves against it, pressing it down, pressurizing it and suppressing it will automatically cause it to die on its own, that’s the way in which illusions and deceptions works. Beware of self-collateral damage, stop believing and living illusions!!!!

Monday, 6 June 2016

Cure it!!!!!

Blood lines, bad lucks, unforeseen challenges of no opportunities
Lack of knowledge, doing things without passion and love
The drama of begging, laziness and fear
The narrow vision, leading a life without purpose
The mourning, cries and sorrows of poverty

Scientists and doctors discovered a lot of sicknesses and diseases
Some with enough cure, some send many souls in desolate
Still a lot to hope for when we see one attacked by a virus or pathogen
We sit back and believe in the magic of science, hoping in the power of God
Yet poverty is a mind sickness with no pill to heal

A child born in poverty is born in bondage
The chains are so tight evening negotiating for the free life
Caged in a cave of no beginning but an end afar
With but a little hope that things will turn around
The pain of a father, a mother who can’t help it seeing sufferings but yet a little hope

The mind that is in bondage needs liberation by its own reciprocal
Radical change enforcement behind the brains
The entire cure is designed and built in thy self
It is a perpendicular protocol that instigate the end of the sickness
Poverty is nothing but a sickness that can cure itself when allowed to

Pity for the one who give up because of poverty
Hi, step up and begin to give it the right cure, stress is a molecule which will only accelerate it
A sickness or disease only put the system under pressure until the system kills itself
You my friend are too young to die
Poverty, poverty! Noting but a damn fool, a little virus with no ambition

I was born poor yet I refuse to die even an inch near it
The generation privileged with enough technology and development
Why not take advantage over it and transform your life
We are covered by overflow of information, too many resources
No reason for poverty to enslave you, cast out the disease

Poverty has no right to enslave you, no right to make your life miserable
All knowing that you are not born by mistake, don’t count yourself a failure
We always start somewhere to get somewhere
There in the bottom of nothing to the heights of something great
Physically working hard doesn’t usually put it together, use the brains

When the mind is fed up with wisdom, knowledge and understanding
Fortune, love, money and fame just follow your trails
The invisible thriller of life is that credit is given to wrong people sometimes
Those who get to be seen but never behind the scenes
Those who get paid for doing nothing

Life needs to be nourished by feeding your mind with moving ways
A positive mind will always be the perfect cure for everything
The eyes to see a way in the middle of obstacles
An eager to living a purposeful life, a life with a better future
All life begins, all life are destined to reach the end, don’t ruin it

We probably watch closely when we are healing wounds in our flesh
The same effort is needed to heal that poor life
Can’t eat crap, can’t dress crap, and can’t live in a scrap house, yet in Christ!
The bible, the manual of life full of wisdom and life, never supporting weakness and poverty
“Ask, it shall be given to you, seek and you'll find….”

You are sick and mentally disturbed when you are poor
You are crippled, helpless and cursed
You are perplexed, condemned and left in desolate
There is no body but your own self to help you
Can’t keep calling people for help when it is you that you need

Life is indeed measured by time, and time waste is abuse
The special treatment desired and recommended to heal you is yourself
Take a step forward and begin to walk out from that room of poverty
You were sent to the room of riches, the pastures green
“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, He leads me beside still waters, and He makes me lie down in green pastures…”

One man poor, a lot of generations cursed through his blood
It’s a challenge to be born poor, but a chance to prove yourself
The power to instigate change is within you
The ability and capabilities of transforming are fully packed in your system

Find yourself, find the cure of poverty

Saturday, 4 June 2016


Gigantic storms of life, the terrors of the deep nights and disasters of hard times
The age of breathless, the era of condemnation
Ceaseless moments of worries and depression
Caged in its secret room, kept and bound together by chains
Its name is fear, it hopes for nothing but distraction and disaster

It’s an emotion sent to steal and destroy hopes of many
Doesn’t give a second chance to think again
Overcomes the senses of self believe and trust
Develop low self-esteem and lack of choices
It is FEAR, false evidence appearing real!!!

Nevertheless there is a gift from God, a gift that stimulates hopes
The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
Joy and peace comes from its core
It’s very deep, wide and higher than anything ever high
It is faith, it hopes for life and prosperity

Fear sees and it’s forever frightened by everything concerned
Faith believes before it sees and yet hopes for greater things’
Fear comes by believing illusions, false evidence and lies
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God
In the presence of fear the road is narrow and cannot be reached

Those who are afraid to get it wrong are driven by fear
Those who are not afraid to get up and try again have enough faith to make it through
It is faith that says no mountain too high, no river too deep
Lying down in a bed of tribulation and pain, yet I will rise again
Having nothing in my house and pocket, yet I have plenty to live not to survive

Casting out all fears unleashes the desires of your true being
Cast it out and faith will forever dwell in you
In the deep cold, with nothing warm in my arms, yet I keep warm
Deep in the desert of life, dry and thirsty, yet I live and enjoy green pastures
Fear is always afraid of time, faith understand how time works and wait patiently

The more fear grows, the more it becomes uncontrollable
With fear you don’t have time to reason with what you see or hear
It is both hard and difficult for fear to cross the line of success
Why let a four letter word devour your dreams and visions
Living a lie, living not what you are designed for

Faith can make things happen for you, and you don’t need to be told
Faith stimulate trust, love and hope
The only three combinations of characters that can see your life through
Life is not a walk in the park, but with faith the journey is made simple
Your path will forever be enlightened by its lights

You have fear because you heard them saying something wrong about it
You have faith because you believe you can do it
Fear comes from the frightening spirit of the darkness
But God did not give us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and self-discipline
Faith comes from the spirit of God having a plan to prosper and give you a future

Faith keeps in track the pattern of sound teachings and motivations
Maintains your character by keeping the good things you come across every time
Faith deepen your roots in Christ so that you may lack nothing
Faith accelerates your ambitions and zeal

FAITH-find assurance in trusting Him

Friday, 3 June 2016

Stop being afraid to get it wrong

It is often not enough to get your mind fed up by motivations
Nor does it end on being inspired
To achieve great things sometimes requires you to stop asking for permissions
You can’t always fly to reach the top
Get the ladder and begin climbing your way up

People never share their top secrets of success
Life is a race and to win you have to be creative
To be creative you have to cast out fears of getting it wrong
An extraordinary person is the one who’s not afraid to try again
Looking is not enough until you see your way of excellence

Walk from failure to failure until you gain enough enthusiasm
You'll understand the concept of waiting for good things
But desire the one of getting greater things by pursuing them instead of waiting
You are the one who faces the crisis and the people see your success
Don’t try to be successful, you are successful, just value yourself

Fears and depressions are only there to frighten your future
Disappointments and condemnation are there to strengthen you
It’s only a road full of thorns and potholes just for a litte distance

Those who cast you like a dog will soon embrace you as their own hearts
I am the best of me because I'm not afraid of getting it wrong

Learn to live peacefully with your soul, spirit and body
Suffering your mind with stress and depression decreases your life span
The sense of positive words out of your mouth strengthens your mind
It is not those who raise their voices who wins a talk but the ones who improve their arguments
The way of success seems bitter to us but it is sweet in disguise

Dig the grave and ask the wise why they didn’t get what they wanted
 I'm afraid the answer would be ‘I was afraid to get it wrong’
An idea that is not trusted by the thinker is not truly an idea
To make clear your way you must stop conceiving immature ideas
Build it in yourself until it is grown enough to unleash an opportunity for you

People with status quo mind-set discuss failure because they are comfortable with it
People with doubt and fear mind-set discusses fantastic ideas but can’t implement them
The courageous and vigour mind-set provides mission and objectives to achieve an idea
It is always said that bad company corrupts good character, who is with you?
Be the master of your dreams, stop asking for opinions

Being lazy is another monster that keeps on appearing when you are about to have your breakthrough
Saying ‘I will do it later’ is a nightmare that destruct your vision of success
Not knowing is like a disease that destroys the mind
It’s a bad thing to think low of yourself
And always wise to make use of every opportunity you get

Hope in what will benefit you and despise what consumes your time for nothing
Believe in yourself and your capabilities, that’s what builds the best of you
Have nothing to do with those who think foolish ideas, they’ll ruin your reputation
Sometimes you have to let go of the good to get the great
A problem is not a problem until you react

Be knowledgeable enough to understand that some people are afraid of your success
They will encourage you nothing but to quit
Bulks of them are also too afraid to try, have no fellowship with them
Be always intoxicated with success and prosperity
It always doesn’t matter what you look at, but what you see matters

Your size is much bigger than the problem you are facing
You are and have billion solutions to any different kind of a problem
A solution is not valid to overcome a certain problem until forcefully applied
It is only the strong who survive natural selections
Only those who see a solution out of a problem overcome its miseries

Stop being afraid to get it wrong, work your dreams out
It is an expectation of great outcomes that’ll push you to work them out
They say that if you can’t fly, then run
And if you can’t run, then consider walking
If walking seems difficult for you, then crawl

                              But whatever you consider, keep moving forward