Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Education for massive Transformation

We all know and believe that education is a key to a bright future, it is a key to success, and yes to live in this developed era one needs to be educated about a few things; education does open doors to all people by expanding the way in which the mind thinks, developing skills that are required to solve problems of any sort. However to many it seems like education has become a passport to knock into companies and industries looking for jobs, it has become a dilemma that hinders many from accomplishing what they longed dreamt for. Resumes are being rejected every second by companies all over the world, yes companies need educated people, but just like Darwin said, it’s survival of the fittest, only those with high pass rates are employed in some places, and only those who have insiders are also employed in some corrupted places.
Now, tell somebody to go to school, college or varsity, and tell me if they will have guts to do so if already a bunch of degrees and certificates are rotting under mattresses because there are no enough jobs to suite all those who hardly worked for their education certificates. People have forgotten the main aim of education or going to school, and that is to acquire knowledge, one cannot expand their skills or potential if they have not acquired enough knowledge, another reason the bible describe that people perish from the lack of knowledge, and I would also say that those who are seated with their degrees at home, waiting for a good Samaritan to bring them a job are still lost in a dungeon of darkness and lack of knowledge. You didn’t go to school so that you can add the queues of people looking for a job, but to use your knowledge to unleash the ideas that can bring about developments that also can create jobs.
It is common that for every Goliath in every place there is a stone anointed to bring him down, yet the stone needs David and his swing to be thrown in the right direction of the target. The villages and communities are rich with great minds and people who are only side minded, only waiting to hear about which company has open positions, where can they drop their CV’s, is your potential only limited to submitting a resume, is your knowledge too narrowed that you only think of working for others, how could it feel if people were working for you, yes that moment you don’t even have time to check their CV’s but delegates someone to do that for you, is that not what knowledge is about, is that what education is meant for, to create jobs for other, to develop the neighbourhoods by unleashing the ideas fully packed within you?
Fortunate enough we all know that there are about 6 billion people or more on earth and yet our fingerprints are far different, our thinking capacities and capabilities can never be the same either, we cannot all run amiss looking for jobs, there should be job creators, there should be opportunity makers, from one business to another, from one state to another. With the power of the knowledge we have acquired through education, who are we not to be brilliant, yes education is a key to success, but only if the person has eyes to see where the locker is and where the door is situated. Running around like headless chickens does not serve the world right, “your doing small does not serve the world”. Everyone did see the pictures of your graduation, yes on that nice attire that did cost someone a little fortune, but what is it that you are doing now, what will you do after if you’ve not yet graduated?
It is also true that some of you did what was never your choice to do, but will beating yourself together reverse the time. I hardly or not believe that events of our lives do happen by a mistake, we all know the saying that it is not a rejection but a direction, what if you didn’t do medicine but computer sciences because your company deals with computers and not medical stuffs, what if you didn’t do engineering but communication studies because your company will soon lead all communication networks around the globe, education is a key to success, yes only to the one with a locker or the one who can tell where the door to unlock is, for every person acquires skills which unlocks the secret room full of unique ideas that can revive the world around.
We are living in a strongly and highly competitive and globalized economy, the world keeps transforming every day of our living and it happens that the olden strategies of graduating and getting a job have long expired, it is an era to graduate and initiate programmes and projects that will create jobs, it is high time to use the mind at its best than the strength and keep consuming energy. The world is facing a lot of dilemmas that needs great minds to set it free, the likes of AIDS consuming the sons of men needs thoroughly equipped minds to free the world from, the sickness of other countries politics needs gigantic wisdom fully packed within you to deliver the weak from the corrupt. See, there is a lot to do with education than to just focus on that job, there is a lot to be achieved, a lot to be accomplished.
Whatever many countries and people are doing today is trying to survive the competition of life than living life itself, these are developing and developed countries, educated and highly educated individuals, yet trying to fit in and work under that one idea one had hundreds of years ago. Fortunate enough we are never limited to think, to have ideas of our own, to start something that can change lives, which can transform all our situations and problems into liberating solutions. What the world is doing today is trying to be pastors at the same church, trying to be doctors at the same surgery, trying to be pilots of the same airplane, what a complication of life. It takes years to build wisdom in you and only few seconds to be an idiot, education was not meant to destroy your future, but for you to build your future concretely through such beautiful knowledge you have acquired all these years of struggles and sleepless nights. And now I bodily say that people don’t get more poor because they are not educated, but because of their mind-set about their education. And i say education is meant for massive transformation of lives!!!

Monday, 25 July 2016

Life is never meant to be stagnant, life is all about moving forward, it’s all about changing levels, for where there is change there is growth and liberty .we all know that liberty comes with nothing but nourishment of the soul, body and the mind. We being called and appointed for different visions and missions, we are required to respond with a grateful heart, which will be demonstrated by our devotion unto these callings and visions. You being devoted and doing it with a diligent heart moves you from your present state to an advanced state, meaning a better you is definitely guaranteed, your light keeps on shinning brighter and brighter and the world is cheering and giving you a round of applause in a mighty way because what it lacked it’s finally coming it’s way. The world knows exactly how distinct you are, wow a solution finally came its way, and to the world you are like an answered prayer.
If there is one thing that a person should take pride in and fill free to do is to follow his / her destiny, is to never be ashamed of travelling your own journey with joy because that’s what you were called to do, that’s who you are, that’s your identity and that’s the true definition of who you are. When it comes to your journey be as free as the wind, do not compromise and accommodate them that do not understand whom you are, to yourself be faithful as a dog and about your journey be proud as a peacock.
Why is it so vital to respond to our visions and callings? Well it is because he (GOD) that created us created us because he saw it as very significant act, the world would not make him happy if he looked at the world and found that you are not present. The world had to make him happy and proud when he looked at it but how could it be so without you?… you are so special ,in his sight you are as good as gold .you give this world a great meaning that even words failed to describe, although your picture is not enough to move God and make him content but what is deposited inside of you makes him happy as king  once perceived and put into an exercise and what is deposited inside of you it’s a vision, a dream that will make you take a journey to reach it. In other words responding to our God given visions and callings fulfils Gods heart.
Be of a grateful heart, on behalf of your grateful heart let your actions demonstrate how happy you are to be appointed for such a great opportunity (your vision/calling) by responding to God’s will about your life and fulfilling his hearts desire. Be obedient, you’ve got nothing to lose yet a lot to gain, he that makes God proud shall live his life to see God’s faithfulness. obedience is better than sacrifice, in your journey of obedience to the maker, in your journey of self discovery you will encounter a lot of pain, disappointments, barriers that want to inhibit you, some punches on the face, actually a lot of tragedy but take heart, be of good courage, let not your heart faint ,never open a door of disappointment never be a friend of “ settling for less than what you’ve been destined to be”. let your vision be your motivation ,what you face should never get the best of you to such an extent whereby you utter words of defeat no, face such dilemmas head on, if God is able to  entrust his vision in you and believe that you are the right person to do this then why are you doubting yourself? Why are you giving in, are you bigger than the master? Do you love yourself better that God? if your answer is NO then shut your mouth trust God, fight this thing, triumph over it have an attitude that says nothing is impossible and I cannot die without reaching my vision, understand that it was Given to you because you thee only one who can handle it you’re the only one who can defeat all odds in order for the vision to exist and make a difference that influenced the creator to make you
God saw a solder in you that will fight for his desire, he saw a lawyer in you that will win his case, he never saw you as a failure, he never saw you as the one whose unable …he saw the light of the world. The one that and take a leap of faith and make things happen. Refuse to be stationary that’s not your nature you not serving the purpose. get up and show the universe that life is all about going forth regardless of who is watching or saying what get up and prove to them that gave you an opportunity that many would kill just to have that by picking you a great and a wise decision was perfectly made, by moving ahead each time letting go of fear, understanding that inferiority is foreign in your land.

Strike while the iron is still hot, do not procrastinate neither doubt, keep on pressing forward, keep on keeping on, do away with excuses, the vision can become your reality but then it all lies in your hands, if you believe that you are the right candidate for this vision then I tell you, you’ll be unstoppable, discouragement will not have power over you because the spirit of moving forward is in you and as long as you keep on moving forward you’ll definitely get there. Rome was not built in one day neither should you reach your destiny easily, it all takes time and a lot of fighting but at the end it is worth it, victory is with them that do not give up but them that keep on moving forward no matter what they encounter, what they see does not move them but what is ahead and what needs to be full filled does, be that kind of a person.

by Ndzalama @Vakatekile

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

life turns out the way we speak! power of the tongue

Life is the most beautiful thing to be proud of, the most excellent privilege to be thankful for and the most gift worth everything one can have. However life’s progress is determined by the utterance of the host (the one living). All parts of the body making up a human being are extraordinarily powerful and strong to can make one’s life miserable as well as making it worth a living. The most key agents are situated in the brains, the power of the thoughts which we hear many writers talking and write about, the matters of developing positive attitude for a positive future, understanding the power of thoughts, understanding the advantage of using at least more of the capacity of our brains. It is few people who focus on the small part of the body which is also a key to a lot of functions, this is the exact fire station which can destroy the entire future or can both build and protect it when directed wisely.
Biblically the tongue is said and believed to have power over life and death; “the tongue has power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruits” (proverbs 18:21 NIV). Most people (including Christians/ church goers) however think of this concept as just a saying, as a myth, many have not yet recognized that the events of their lives are truly the fruits of what they have spoken a long time ago. Yes sometimes we speak things unconsciously, when we are excited or angry, forgetting that every word that is spreading out of our mouth is a seed and it indeed shall bring forth fruits at the due season. Like a single fire stick that can burn a big area or a building, so are the words we speak, truly when we speak something our heart automatically believes in it, and whatever a person believes comes to appearance, it happens the way you believe it.
I personally grew up observing and paying much detail in a lot of things in this world, the life that we’ve been blessed with. There is a lot of negativity we speak than what is positive, and instantly there are a lot of negative events happening to us than the positive ones. And I strongly believe that if we can shake things a little bit and try to be positive, try to speak sense about the future; try to speak life rather than death, then in that way we could see our heaven on earth with our naked eyes. How much negative things we speak against our governments and then they turn to be more worse than before, how much of negative things we speak against what we later want to be our salvation to whatever we’ll be going through, is it truly them or it’s you, a question you should answer by yourself.
It is in the nature of human kind to blame other people for one’s mistake, people don’t really stand in the position of taking responsibilities to themselves, everyone seeks what’s suitable for their benefits forgetting that their intentions can turn against them. The tongue is fire itself, it burns everything when it utters words, and God Himself is faithful to look after His words so to bring them into pass, another reason it is said that a man will reap what he sow. I know of a lot of people who didn’t die because it was their time to die, but because they spoke of their death than their life, in their songs they declared their death, in their writings they declared death, in their talking they decreed their graves to swallow them; that’s another reason for you not to listen all kinds of negative singing, nor give yourself to foolish writings that cannot benefit you.
It does not only imply to those who believe in the bible, but to everyone who’s still breathing the free oxygen in the air. Whether you are deaf, dumb or fully functional, the power of words still rules over you and depending on your thoughts and your utterance of words, so shall you reap the fruits. Every one of us is willing to live in the bright future, but how much of the future do you speak than the past, you remain poor because your thoughts and words are more attached to the past than the future, you remain weak and withered because your roots are pumping bitter waters from the wells of the past. Come on and shake things up, shoot your roots to the future, see the bright side of your life, automatically transform your destiny into your language, speak life and success, speak a way even when you are facing a huge high mountain, see yourself across the deep dark sea ahead of you.

It is really not in some of us, it doesn’t only imply to the wise, we are all living in the same world, all breathing the air contained in this planet, the sun shines upon all our heads, and therefore I emphasize that it’s in all of us, the power of words, the fire of the tongue implies to us all, we are all affected by the principles of life. Therefore you need to take charge and be in full control of what you speak, what you think, for it is also said that from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks; go ahead and begin to speak life, begin to declare prosperity and success upon every area of your life, unconsciously that will stimulate the world around you. Never spit words of death from your mouth, never declare failure in your life, for what you speak today will surely manifest in the near future, there is too much power in your tongue, the kind of fire that can either burn down your future, or light up all the paths of your success. You were never born to suffer, don’t bury yourself alive, begin to spread words of life, climb that mountain proclaiming that you are already at the top.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

It is with the mind!!!!!

It is extremely powerful for a person to listen or expose him/herself to something that enhances positive change. Life is more about choice and faith, you choose what is and what is not meant for you as you live, and you strongly apply faith in the sense that everything you choose will surely come to pass. I once learned that failure is not a rejection but a direction, a guidance to what will in the end brings an everlasting joy to your soul, happiness to your heart and spirit, and an ever shining smile in your face. Faith is behaviour, the sense of strongly believing that whatever you aim for, what you need, what you press forward for, whatever you dream, your vision will come to pass without evidence. This behaviour controls your instincts, your ambitions and hence focuses your eyes to what you don’t see, to something great that have no meaning to the world when you are not there. Without faith it is impossible to please God, without faith it is impossible to achieve a thing in this world, it is impossible to set for high things, to see yourself as a hero to your own destiny. This faith is the centre between your challenges and your promise, serves as the accelerator to what you believe on. That’s the other reason why many people died before reaching their goals, they believed somehow in their failure, and their faith made sure that they fail. Faith shapes your destiny based on what you believe and hope for. It is not only to receive, but can also cost you to lose a lot if you are not careful on how you behave it. Poverty is not a rejection a direction for one to work out riches, for if you are born rich, how then can you testify that what you end up with came from your own hands and hard working. A person with a vision will let every challenge to come his/her way, will allow hard times to occur knowing that it is all not a rejection but a direction. I wanted to study medicine some time back, but I couldn’t get a space in all institutions that I applied to, I became angry, disappointed and so hopeless. But then I realized that things happened so hard in my life just to shape and direct me to where I am supposed to be, that’s the reason I have evidence that all that is happening to you now is not a rejection, nor abandonment, neither a cast down, but all is you being directed to the rail that leads to your exact destination. Don’t hate to be hated, don’t run away from hard times, and don’t sneak away from the cage of your tears, all happens to produce the best of you. The power to change your life is in you, it relies on how you behave toward your goals, toward your destination. No one on earth can push your inside in order for you to be successful, inspirations and encouragements are only there to challenge your thoughts, that by other means you can instigate change upon your priorities and begin to look on everything with an eagle’s eye.
It is also thoughtful and brilliant for one to build a good character that leads to positive faith behaviour. This is the combination of different qualities that differentiate individuals; it makes you unique and special. These suggest that you don’t need people to make you special, but naturally you have characteristics that define your uniqueness. For gold to have value and obtain its unique characteristics it has to go through fires and hard beatings, for you to be pure and desirable you have to build your reputation and character, the likes of the gold processing protocols should be applied to achieve the special and unique you. And all this leads to success and prosperity. The processes of changing your life are not on the outside but strictly inside you. Life led by a godly positive character is always essential and of great honour to the surroundings. Life is surely determined by time and time management requires a good and positive character. It surely takes a good character to move from nothing to something.

The way you feel about yourself and everything around you contribute much effectively towards your destination or future. Your reactions in respect to the events occurring in your life can either fail or prosper you. Consider a simple form of attitude that most people don’t consider as a bad influence; modern companies uses private numbers to call people who applied for a certain position. Different people have different attempts on how they answer private numbers that calls them, some says “private number speak what you have to say I don’t have time”, some says “private number hallo”, some say “ I am listening”. Who do you think between the ABOVE individuals can be considered for a job if they were called by a company? That’s your question to answer, but my point is to say that don’t be intimidated by small things that can cost you an opportunity that could be a breakthrough in your life. Working and living around people requires you to be moral and true of whom you are, your behaviour influences your future in many ways. A good conversation between people can be determined by how they started their conversation, either by greetings or throwing words at each other, it is therefore good to greet even strangers. Many people got opportunities due to their well-defined interactions with different people, even those that they never knew. Every small piece of a thing that we encounter in our lives counts towards our deep fall or success. It is indeed true that a positive attitude helps you cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worries and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it would bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful. This is to say that with a positive attitude one begins to develop positive thinking that helps you expect success rather than failure, which encourages and inspires you, that helps you believe more in yourself and your abilities to make it even when in deep situations and challenges of life. This positive attitude develops optimism, the sense of believing that good things are yet to happen in the future, though not being evident now, it enables you to show self-esteem and confident even in very depressing times, hence makes you to look much for solutions instead of dwelling on problems. Your bright future begins in your attitude, build your attitude to be positive then you will cherish in your own land of possibilities. It is not as simple as A B C to build a positive attitude, but it is always a key to live a desirable life. To build your positive attitude:
ü  You have to look at the other bright side of life
ü  Choose to be happy even for no reason
ü  Have strong faith and believe in yourself and the powers within you
ü  Learn to associate with people who don’t value challenges but ways of overcoming what they encounter (bad company corrupt good character)
ü   Expose yourself to inspiring shows, readings and activities
ü  Always visualize everything that you want and not what you don’t
ü  Choose also to be optimistic and moral
ü  Have millions of reasons to smile and only one not to
ü  Learn to take responsibility and account to the outcomes of your acts
ü  More effectively, learn to forgive yourself even when it’s not your fault
ü  Have the language of success in your tongue
ü  Listen to advice and accept instruction
Nothing beats your intuition.
As different people we think different kinds of things and interact differently in relation to what we think. Thoughts are other essential attempts that can build or destroy your future. The power of concentration is extremely essential for every area of your life, it determines how you follow at work, home or any place you can be, self-improvement and mediation depends on this kind of ability. You cannot choose what to think at times, but you always have a decision to take after thinking. Mastering your thoughts helps you focus your attention on what you are doing which results in you doing a fewer mistakes or errors. It improves your ability to understand and paves your ways into faster rate of success. It is always true that meaningless thoughts, desires, and sense impressions, pass through the mind at every second of the day and night, attracting the attention, pulling it here and there, and making it almost impossible to focus the mind. The mind tends to drift to other matters when we try to focus it on a certain thought, subject, or activity. When concentration is lacking, a task that requires just a few minutes to accomplish, can take much longer. Thus mastering your thoughts helps you quiet restless thinking of your mind and increasing the ability of you making good decision at good times. This also helps you not to take a right decision, but taking a decision and making the decision right. For everything that appears in your mind requires you to choose and if you choose wrongly, then everything becomes useless, but if you choose correctly everything is worth it at the end. Mastering your thoughts does not mean you won’t think bad things, but out of the millions of bad thoughts that appear in your mind, you will be able to pick one good thought that will instigate change in your whole life, thus leading you to your desired destiny and future.

Don’t be afraid to get back up to try again, to love again, to live again, and to dream again. Don’t let a hard lesson harden your heart. Life’s best lessons are often learned at the worst times and from the worst mistakes. There will be times when it seems like everything that could possibly go wrong is going wrong. And you might feel like you will be stuck in this rut forever, but you won’t. When you feel like quitting, remember that sometimes things have to go very wrong before they can be right. Sometimes you have to go through the worst, to arrive at your best. Life has knocked me down a few times, I've seen things I never want to see again, But one things for sure, I'll always get back up, I will never stay down. When we fall ten times in life, we must get back up eleven times harder and stronger not afraid to give ourselves everything we've ever wanted in life. Everything happens for a reason. Life puts you down, only so you can get back up for the better things. Live life, forgive and forget. Let go of the past. Never give up, never lose hope. Always have faith, it allows you to cope. Trying times will pass, as they always do. Just have patience; your dreams will come true. So put on a smile and live through your pain. Know it will pass and strength you will gain. A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do at that circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying. No matter how hard I try, life just won’t let me get what I try. But I won’t give up. If you ever feel like giving up, remember that you will accomplish nothing by doing so. Keep it moving and never give up. There's a point in your life when you get tired of chasing everyone and trying to fix everything, but it's not giving up. It's realizing that you don't need certain people and the crap they bring. There is a big difference between giving up and letting go. Letting go means freeing yourself from something that is no longer serving you. It means removing toxic people and belief systems from your life so that you can make room for relationships and ideas that are conducive to your wellbeing and happiness. Giving up reduces your life. Letting go expands it. Giving up is imprisoning. Letting go is liberation. Giving up is self-defeat. Letting go is self-care. So the next time you make the decision to release something or someone that is stifling your happiness and growth, and a person has the audacity to accuse you of giving up or being weak, remind yourself of the difference. Remind yourself that you don’t need anyone’s permission or approval to live your life in the way that feels right. No one has the authority to tell you who to be or how to live. No matter how much we want things to stay the same, life is all about change. Sometimes change is for the better, and sometimes it’s not. I am letting go of Negative issues in my life and moving forward to a more positive existence. Too bad I had to learn that the hard way but I’m stronger and moving forward to being a real man I always wanted to be. It is hard to let go, but it's even harder to try to hang on with hopes that it will change. You lose focus on what's important and it can take over and control your mind and your life. Not healthy. Must let go and look ahead to a better tomorrow. Sometimes it's very hard to move on, but once you move on, you'll realize it was the best decision you've ever made. It happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on. To help yourself, you must be yourself. Be the best that you can be. When you make a mistake, learn from it, pick yourself up and move on. If someone won’t lift a finger to call you, see you, and spend time with you, it’s time for you to lift five fingers and wave goodbye......