Tuesday 9 February 2016


It is still unclear in the Christian world whether money is a problem causing people to sin or the behavior (which is faith when looked through the deep sight of the spirit) that which people have towards money, the attitude and intentions which people have when they are in position of a certain capital, also the manner in which they intend to get the money.
Ephesians 6:10. “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows”. With a closer look to the above scripture, money is not evil, but the LOVE of money is a ROOT of all evil; it would be a great contradiction and confusion if money was evil and the answer for all things according to the Teacher (Ecclesiastes 10:19, “A feast is made for laughter, and wine makes merry: but money answers all things”).

Remember that God made man upright (righteous, holy, beautiful, wonderful, loving and kind) but man complicated themselves (Ecclesiastes 7:29). The searching for many schemes has designed a fundamental shift of focus in the minds and hearts of man that confuses what to do with what to do not when you want something while you live. Accordingly love was supposed to be expressed for transformations of lives, welcoming of everyone and also appreciation for those who are doing great things to develop in this life. However the shift of minds and hearts redirected love for property, people are in love with property and themselves. This shift didn’t only affect the Christian community only, but every community on earth today; we know of corruption due to the unfaithful politicians who are leaders of states.

Money does not kill, but people kill for money, it does not separate families and friends, they are the ones who separate themselves due to unforeseen reasons. It is not money which calls for robbery, but a thief who is craving for money and is liberated by his/her intentions to do anything to be in position of that money. This little coins and notes have no language though they are of different rates and different languages, they do not whisper any word to anyone. It is that evil thought of you wanting to have it that bad, your call for evil deeds, all this begins in your thoughts, it is your thinking which is evil and not this simple notes and coins.

Still there are people who think being rich only mean that they should have servants and other people should bow in respect of them. If you are still thinking about that, let me assure you that you have lost the sense of being a human being, and whatever you are, you will burn in hell with your silly title. To be rich only mean you know the struggle of having nothing, you worked your way up to where you are and you know how to share. The rich is not defined by what he/she have in the bank, house or other investments, but by the ability of what he/she have working for the transformation of lives, development of love and meekness to everyone around them.

Money is not evil, it is never a sin. I believe it is lame and against the will of God to consider money as a sin; Abraham, Job and Solomon were rich in livestock, silver and gold, and other properties as well, and yet they were considered great men walking with God, Abraham and Job also considered being righteous for that matter. Money is not evil, in fact God does want us to have money, He is not pleased with the house of faith being poor and always begging around the streets. However the other reason it takes time for Christian to have all is because many who had it before chose to deny faith and thought like they are their own gods, hence God is not pleased with people who shift their love and faith towards things of this world. Money is not evil, you are the evil behind money, Judas Iscariot was the treasurer during the adventure of the Christ, despite the fact that he was walking, eating and doing many things with God (Jesus Christ), the love of money and evilness entered his heart to the point he sold Jesus to the Pharisees for few coins.

True riches that which will never put you in the situation of being evil are worth being worked for, people want to be rich but they don’t want to work and that’s the error that causes evil thoughts to reign in many people’s minds. Devil will do everything that will convince you that money is evil so that you will remain poor; stop being lazy to work, a man shall live by his own sweat, a man shall reap what he sow; those are the two principles which to be just in all what you do you must not forget and if you want God to bless you, do follow those principles very well. God supports and is pleased with people who works hard to accomplish themselves through working with their own hands (“…and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody”). God does not condemn being rich or having money as sinning, but the way you intend to get money or riches decides whether you will be considered a thief, evil or not. Money is not a sin, being rich is not evil.


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