Wednesday 10 February 2016



Out of willingness and love, after thinking and having made an efficient decision, God made mankind through His own image and after His own likeness. God’s purpose of making a man was for man to have dominion and reign over all things that God has created. The decision of God to make mankind was not a mistake neither was it just for fun. God’s outstanding vision towards man creation was to have a god in human form who are keen to His will and live for His purposes with honor and dignity.
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However, even unto these days’ humankind still think and believe that God made mankind because He demands to be worshiped, that’s another reason why there are many religious organizations on earth today. A failure to understand God’s purpose of having made mankind has spread an error, confusion and contradiction in many generations; which led to many people starting to question God’s reigning, hence seeking to bow before gods made of human hands. The interaction between God and Adam should have been an example set to outline how God feel about His creation and His willingness of helping man to rule over everything that He created not for Himself but for humankind.

God’s actions towards Abraham that he should offer his son as a sacrifice was not showing God’s intentions of demanding what He gave to him after suffering for almost hundred years without having the promised son through Sarah, but God was evaluating Abraham’s trust, faith and believe in Him; his patience was not enough to bless all the generations which were embedded in him but only his action in response to God’s command and not demand.
Now, a demand is defined as to ask for something forcefully in a way that shows no expectation of being refused. If God would demand, I think and believe that if a person refuses, automatically he would be killed since it is God who gives life and has the power and right to take it if one does not reply well to the demand. And to command is only to give an order in the sense that you are responsible for them, and it is for them to choose whether to follow the order or not. God does command, but he does not demand, and God’s commandments are in the form of principles mandated with respect to the behavior of mankind.
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People expect rains of blessings, healing and riches, but they do not obey God’s principles of living. God does not force you to follow Him hence He also outlines the consequences of you following your own way. It is not God who implemented tithing, but it was Abraham and Melchizedek, and God sealed it as a covenant that will ensure that the house of God is fruitful and has everything to feed both His servants (priests working in the temple, who also were not allowed to own land or property), widows and orphans. However many denomination and Christian organization leaders has seen it as an opportunity to enrich themselves nowadays. It is not God who demands, but it is us people who demand both from God and His people; and set up a contradiction as if it is God who is in demand.

There are great reasons why there is grace, mercy and favor, all this explains that God does not choose for you how you should live your life, it is not Him who chooses for you what you should do, all this are your responsibilities as an individual. God only placed principles that governs the ways of man, every person should reap what he sow, every man should live by his sweat, every man should honor his mother and father, every man should understand and put it into consideration that there is only one God and He alone founded the heaven and earth, every man should not build or have any other gods but only God Himself. Simple principles without any contradiction and needs simple understanding!

God does not need you to fast forty days and forty nights so that He can heal you, He does not need you to pop something out of your pocket so that he can rain blessings on you, God does not have respect for a man and He cannot ask something in order to give you something in return. When you fast and pray, it is a sign of humbleness and honor and also putting yourself in the level where your queries can be heard, as you know that God is holy and does not entertain wickedness and evilness. During offerings and special offerings, the mistake that we make in our minds is to think that when we put something small in an envelop, something very huge will come out for us, forgetting that it should be out of willingness that we offer, God is not pleased by the effort, but by the state of the heart.
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Nothing is demanded by God to all that He has created or made, do not forget to understand the biblical scriptures whenever you read them, find the logic of the writer, look for the core matter of why and how something was said or stated, don’t jump to conclusions before finishing with the body. Don’t get lost so easily, don’t contradict what’s not contradicted, don’t confuse yourself with no confusion, be smart and wise enough, understand your God and be free from the world full of wickedness, evilness and corruption. God does not demand anything from you; do everything willingly and with understanding and love. Engage yourself to everything that is fruitful and is not condemn in the eyes of the Lord. God does not contradict Himself; He is all perfect by Himself, needing no one to complete Him, needing no worship to define who He is. I personally recognized that it is not that I love God that I live, but it is because God loves me unconditionally, my love is not enough for God to hear me out, to live in me, to understand and grace me with this life, but His love is more than enough to do anything through His own will.

The way we live this days, the way things happens and are mandated to flow is due to our ways, our choices, everything happens because we make them happen in the way they happen, it is our actions that comes back to us afterwards. God demands nothing, therefore it is being irresponsible to hold Him responsible to all that we come across. Don’t blame God!!!!

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