Monday, 26 June 2017

Unrealistic Spiritual Obsession

Christianity has been invaded by such creatures that do things that show no sign of humanity and even self-respect.  Many Christians and other people are flooding with many unanswered questions in their minds trying to understand what the world has turned to be. Is it a mistake that in most countries like South Africa there are many false prophets, teachers and etc. or is it a sign of poor leadership and the discontinuity of seeking the truth rather than what you can be offered? It all started inside the church which was strong and united; testimonies were and are meant to edify and increase people’s hope rather than inviting wrong motives around the Christian world, the likes of people given things to eat or use so that they can get what they want. People are hungry for easy ways to achieve things in life, whether it be finding a job, being healed from a disease or sickness, being delivered from being tormented by evil spirits, and as well as finding a marriage. This hunger however has lead into bad and unrealistic spiritual obsessions which has compromised the purposes of so many lives and gifts in the church of God.
People are keen to finding a better life, but they can’t endure the right process mandated by God and which is suitable as it serves as the process of preparation; but they rather encourage the poor inspiration sent to conquer and win so many souls for Satan with the aid of using false prophets and teachers. The world is chaotically dispersed with religious perspectives and beliefs, and because such people are not united in faith, they then offer the devil a great chance of overcoming and destroying as many souls as he can. Instead of sharing the scriptures, people argue over the greatness of prophets and teachers, people are zealous in knowing and describing who has to be major and who is worthy of being a minor, and people have so much given themselves in bowing for fellow humans rather than bowing before God. The most unfortunate thing is that God has no respect for man and believe it or not, God does reject a person who is disobedient (ask King Saul). Don’t let your soul to be given over to devil.
It gets more interesting when we witness different kinds of people who are calling themselves pastors and prophets doing things that bring about unwanted questions about them and the One they claim to believe in. so because this person is very sick to death and apparently came to you as a man of God (as you claim), then you see it worthy to prescribe grass as the strongest medicine that will take only few seconds to heal the sick, mmm your days are numbered and surely know that God is not quite and He will stand to avenge the rights of the poor. And you who enjoy eating all this kind of things, snakes, lizards, grass and all those things which you strongly know that God wouldn’t prescribe it for any human being, can’t you see that your obsession for healing and whatever you are seeking is making you the dumbest and stupid person on earth? We thought it will end there and we wouldn’t witness more other things, we thought people have learnt their lesson and will now know who is of God and who is not; but unexpectedly here comes the healing kiss kind of anointing, this is surely the greatest abomination, hypocrisy at its highest peaks.
You know I then get a clear understanding and vivid knowledge on why women were not counted as humans when statistics were taken during the ancient era. These kinds of people are easily manipulated and always ready to do anything that can give them the results that they are looking for. If there is a person who will offer a body for promotion at work or any organisation, it’s likely to be a woman, if there is a person would open a mouth to be kissed for anointing, healing, deliverance, breakthrough, or any other thing, that would be a woman; when a guy has it all and looking for something to play with and be called a “blesser”, it’s a woman who is available. Why are your desperations leading you to fall victim for so many painful experiences. True women don’t fall asleep in the world that is ugly like this one. Perhaps it’s a great lesson to all women that they should wake up from being dumb and begin to act wise. Bear with me, I mean no disrespect; all I am doing is to clearly show you that you are acting from an unrealistic spiritual obsession. There is a need to seek after God than seeking things that we see with our eyes.
People should strictly understand that we are not in need of many churches, but we need many united Christians, even if it could be the whole world gathering together in one place it would be better than what we are witnessing today.  The hunger to be seen and pressure to perform has derived a new trend of titles that is leading so many people astray. So many people are hungry to be called prophets, some are so determine to be apostles, many craving to be called evangelists, and some are pastors, healers and miracle workers. And for you to be certain, God is not a God of confusion and He cannot contradict Himself in any way; so you see all this people in one place, just understand and know that they are falling under the spell of unrealistic spiritual obsession, yes they really need help; seriously what is the point of having so many small and big churches and ministries of people who are dead while they are walking?
You see many young women falling victims of being impregnated by this young fellows claiming to be called and anointed, and those who run away after the collateral damage. Really, can the real anointed Man of God run away without being responsible for what he caused; rest assure, a godly anointing is packed with respect and responsibility. Most of these fellows are heartbreakers in the name of anointing, and most sisters at church are still falling for them, you know why, because they are under a spell just as their fellow so-called anointed fellows are. A real matured person would ask and try to understand a person before they take a journey with them. A person who is vision driven and goal oriented would want to understand what sort of future they will be engaging themselves to before they embark on its trail.
Everyone who is serving to benefit themselves is not God’s chosen, remember always that many are called but only few are chosen. God’s gifts are given freely, and so they must be offered freely. Saul reigned with God only for two years and the rest 38 years without God, so it is much possible for such people who are adored to be prophets and teachers to have been rejected and yet their anointing can still work because it’s not taken during the process of rejection, but you who are served with it rather be careful as you are getting help out of what has been rejected; we see this by the methodology they use, the services they offer and the circumstances or conditions of which their services are offered. Everything makes real sense in terms of obsession that people have over things and prosperity, and hence whether a person is from God or not, because they want what they want, they will always acknowledges and appreciate, and even support such doings that are not mandated by the Holy Scriptures. Beware and be careful that your souls may not be consumed by hell due to your fall to this unrealistic spiritual obsession.
Scripture readings: Ezekiel 13:9, Jeremiah 23:16, Luke 6:26, Matthews 24:24, 7:15-20, 2 Timothy 4:3-4, Acts 20:28-30, 1 John 4:1-6, 2 Timothy 3


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