Thursday 6 July 2017

Spiritually Misinformed

Spiritually Misinformed

Pity to those juvenile souls who are still on their way to learning and understanding the ways of life, they face great challenges and difficulties in discerning what is true from what seems to be true. With an eye of a beholder and the one who observe the ways in which modern Christianity is conducted, I stand in a peak of the mountain craving for those who would obey the words of Paul the Apostle when he said in 2 Corinthians 13:8 “For we cannot oppose the truth, but must always stand for the truth” (NLT). We may like it or not, but the truth cannot be overrated. We can twist it the way we want, we can mislead people and the nations of God in order to gain for ourselves, but the truth will remain steadfast and true to what it is.
We see the world of Christianity today being one of the places which no longer pertain the ingredients of attracting the other worlds to it because it has been intruded by a virus. This kind of virus tries to mould lies and self-interest ambitions, making them to look like the truth. There are many so-called “man of God” who are out there, they seem anointed and powerful, they preach and prophesy like heaven has jumped into the world. Their messages are filled with biblical promises and they surely have the backup of the scriptures compiled to give all generations direction to God and understanding life. But surprisingly, they turn to overrule most of the scriptures which all the promises that they preach about are mandated or governed with. They will tell you that “You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out” (Deuteronomy 28:6), and during that moment you will be celebrating and shouting “I receive”, of course everyone want to receive, but unfortunately you have missed the principle that they turn to omit or leave out, “If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 28:1-2). The most amazing thing is that the people who shout I receive always shout I receive year after year without the manifestation of what they should receive, aw Sunday after Sunday you are always receiving and yet remain the same!!!
Before all those blessings fall upon you, before they accompany you and overtake you, there is a thing that you need to understand and fully obey, that is the truth of God, His principles. God’s principles cannot be overruled by anything, even the grace of God which we are misusing and abusing on a daily basis. People are being spiritually misinformed almost every moment as we roam on earth.
That was just a piece of example that people should learn to discern and differentiate what comes from God and what doesn’t. There are so many generations that have passed before us, so many people who walked with God and those who did not. They were all governed by the same principles that are still governing our lives today. He who obeyed would be called the upright/righteous of God; but unfortunately these days you just have to carry a bible, look like you can pray in tongues, preach a few sermons, tell people about the spirits tormenting their lives or the pains in their stomach, or predict their bank accounts, and then you will be named the powerful “man of God”, you will be declared upright and righteous. They don’t even want to know how long have you been saved (sometimes you don’t have to even tell them that you are saved or not) or how long have you been in the ministry, only if you know how to tell the things that have been bothering them for long and tell them that their cries have been heard (even if they never cried to God), and also tell them that it is their time for breakthrough, then you become their major Apostle, Pastor, Prophet. You are Spiritually Misinformed, and you need deliverance, hence only accepting the truth will deliver you.
Many of you have even run away from your churches or ministries to follow those you think that they are powerful. You even call them your spiritual fathers and mothers, unfortunately spiritual guidance is not like your physical ID book which you can change names anytime you want, and pity for you because the only person who will be asked by you during judgment will be the one who was assigned by God for your care as spiritual father or guardian, and they have all rights to say that it was your choice to run away from home to leave as a foreigner in other people’s property and therefore you will account for all judgements by your own self. Stop running around, what you are doing can also be called spiritual prostitution and hence can be regarded a sin. Who told you that those who recruited you to have your own ministry really heard from God, have you considered that even prophets and pastors can lie?  Consider what happened in 1Kings 13:8 “But the old prophet answered, "I am a prophet, too, just as you are. And an angel gave me this command from the LORD: 'Bring him home with you so he can have something to eat and drink.'" But the old man was lying to him”.
What most people are teaching or preaching in the house of God is nothing but a message of “call me back” if they are invited, people are teaching and preaching messages of “go out there and tell them that I have power”, they proclaim messages that say “I am better than your pastor”, all these are not proclaiming the true gospel that promote the truth of Christ, but rather to satisfy their weak ambitions and self-interest, they pollute the truth and misinform the young ones who consider them as role models. If you claim to be on the side of the truth, why you wait for a fat envelope after ministering, why everyone can’t be able to consult you, only those with money can. Spiritually Misinformed
It is said so many times in the bible that obedience is better than sacrifice; we may not clearly see it because it is said in so many different ways. Think about Cain and Abel, they both offered a sacrifice to God, but God was delighted in Abel’s sacrifice because it had some sort of obedience in it, he did not just burn anything, but ‘First of all’ (the most important). Abel was spiritually self-aware and well informed, but his brother Cain was full of greed and spiritually misinformed. When they misinform you, they will make you see the opportunity out of what is forbidden, they will twist what you know to be wrong until you see it to be true and because you are weak in discerning spirits, you will therefore fall for the temptation, and once you try it, you might not be able to come out from it. Genesis 3:1-6 “Now the serpent was craftier than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’” “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman.  “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.”
A piece of truth compiled a big lie that became the whole truth which enticed the woman (Eve) and she saw a great opportunity from what was said to be forbidden. And today we bear the sin and death because an opportunity became a great fall of man. Everything looks very perfect and promising when you are being misinformed, but cries, tribulations and great pain follows after the moment of enjoyment. People must learn to put their trust in God than in fellow human beings who have been misinformed and who are yet to be misinformed… TO BE CONTINUED


Monday 26 June 2017

Unrealistic Spiritual Obsession

Christianity has been invaded by such creatures that do things that show no sign of humanity and even self-respect.  Many Christians and other people are flooding with many unanswered questions in their minds trying to understand what the world has turned to be. Is it a mistake that in most countries like South Africa there are many false prophets, teachers and etc. or is it a sign of poor leadership and the discontinuity of seeking the truth rather than what you can be offered? It all started inside the church which was strong and united; testimonies were and are meant to edify and increase people’s hope rather than inviting wrong motives around the Christian world, the likes of people given things to eat or use so that they can get what they want. People are hungry for easy ways to achieve things in life, whether it be finding a job, being healed from a disease or sickness, being delivered from being tormented by evil spirits, and as well as finding a marriage. This hunger however has lead into bad and unrealistic spiritual obsessions which has compromised the purposes of so many lives and gifts in the church of God.
People are keen to finding a better life, but they can’t endure the right process mandated by God and which is suitable as it serves as the process of preparation; but they rather encourage the poor inspiration sent to conquer and win so many souls for Satan with the aid of using false prophets and teachers. The world is chaotically dispersed with religious perspectives and beliefs, and because such people are not united in faith, they then offer the devil a great chance of overcoming and destroying as many souls as he can. Instead of sharing the scriptures, people argue over the greatness of prophets and teachers, people are zealous in knowing and describing who has to be major and who is worthy of being a minor, and people have so much given themselves in bowing for fellow humans rather than bowing before God. The most unfortunate thing is that God has no respect for man and believe it or not, God does reject a person who is disobedient (ask King Saul). Don’t let your soul to be given over to devil.
It gets more interesting when we witness different kinds of people who are calling themselves pastors and prophets doing things that bring about unwanted questions about them and the One they claim to believe in. so because this person is very sick to death and apparently came to you as a man of God (as you claim), then you see it worthy to prescribe grass as the strongest medicine that will take only few seconds to heal the sick, mmm your days are numbered and surely know that God is not quite and He will stand to avenge the rights of the poor. And you who enjoy eating all this kind of things, snakes, lizards, grass and all those things which you strongly know that God wouldn’t prescribe it for any human being, can’t you see that your obsession for healing and whatever you are seeking is making you the dumbest and stupid person on earth? We thought it will end there and we wouldn’t witness more other things, we thought people have learnt their lesson and will now know who is of God and who is not; but unexpectedly here comes the healing kiss kind of anointing, this is surely the greatest abomination, hypocrisy at its highest peaks.
You know I then get a clear understanding and vivid knowledge on why women were not counted as humans when statistics were taken during the ancient era. These kinds of people are easily manipulated and always ready to do anything that can give them the results that they are looking for. If there is a person who will offer a body for promotion at work or any organisation, it’s likely to be a woman, if there is a person would open a mouth to be kissed for anointing, healing, deliverance, breakthrough, or any other thing, that would be a woman; when a guy has it all and looking for something to play with and be called a “blesser”, it’s a woman who is available. Why are your desperations leading you to fall victim for so many painful experiences. True women don’t fall asleep in the world that is ugly like this one. Perhaps it’s a great lesson to all women that they should wake up from being dumb and begin to act wise. Bear with me, I mean no disrespect; all I am doing is to clearly show you that you are acting from an unrealistic spiritual obsession. There is a need to seek after God than seeking things that we see with our eyes.
People should strictly understand that we are not in need of many churches, but we need many united Christians, even if it could be the whole world gathering together in one place it would be better than what we are witnessing today.  The hunger to be seen and pressure to perform has derived a new trend of titles that is leading so many people astray. So many people are hungry to be called prophets, some are so determine to be apostles, many craving to be called evangelists, and some are pastors, healers and miracle workers. And for you to be certain, God is not a God of confusion and He cannot contradict Himself in any way; so you see all this people in one place, just understand and know that they are falling under the spell of unrealistic spiritual obsession, yes they really need help; seriously what is the point of having so many small and big churches and ministries of people who are dead while they are walking?
You see many young women falling victims of being impregnated by this young fellows claiming to be called and anointed, and those who run away after the collateral damage. Really, can the real anointed Man of God run away without being responsible for what he caused; rest assure, a godly anointing is packed with respect and responsibility. Most of these fellows are heartbreakers in the name of anointing, and most sisters at church are still falling for them, you know why, because they are under a spell just as their fellow so-called anointed fellows are. A real matured person would ask and try to understand a person before they take a journey with them. A person who is vision driven and goal oriented would want to understand what sort of future they will be engaging themselves to before they embark on its trail.
Everyone who is serving to benefit themselves is not God’s chosen, remember always that many are called but only few are chosen. God’s gifts are given freely, and so they must be offered freely. Saul reigned with God only for two years and the rest 38 years without God, so it is much possible for such people who are adored to be prophets and teachers to have been rejected and yet their anointing can still work because it’s not taken during the process of rejection, but you who are served with it rather be careful as you are getting help out of what has been rejected; we see this by the methodology they use, the services they offer and the circumstances or conditions of which their services are offered. Everything makes real sense in terms of obsession that people have over things and prosperity, and hence whether a person is from God or not, because they want what they want, they will always acknowledges and appreciate, and even support such doings that are not mandated by the Holy Scriptures. Beware and be careful that your souls may not be consumed by hell due to your fall to this unrealistic spiritual obsession.
Scripture readings: Ezekiel 13:9, Jeremiah 23:16, Luke 6:26, Matthews 24:24, 7:15-20, 2 Timothy 4:3-4, Acts 20:28-30, 1 John 4:1-6, 2 Timothy 3


Saturday 24 June 2017


Devil’s ultimate weapon of conquering and destroying the church of God

Division can be defined as a disagreement between two or more groups, typically producing tension or hostility.
We see a lot of churches, organizations and families falling apart and being destroyed because unity has been compromised within them. Division is the devil’s most powerful weapon which he uses to kill and destroy a church that has impact on its surroundings. The most unfortunate thing is that the people who are serving in this mission of division might not recognize it, to them it’s like they own the life that they are living
Devil no longer need blood drinkers or what we call devil-worshippers when he has to attack certain churches. The fire and power of prayer within the church of God is so much for that kind and they can’t stand it. But because the Christians of these days have lost the respect to God, no longer seek after God, but seek miracles and approval by pastors and prophets; these people are moved and entertained by titles, pride and fame; they do things for the eyes of man done they should be pleasing God; and wherever there are such things, there is always a devil behind its inspiration. Devil now uses church members, their desires and ego to divide each other. It all goes from the pastor who shows favouritism to certain individuals when conflicts and unwanted matters arise, to the church board who will only judge things on who’s pocket is deep, to leaders who are so manipulative and will try to make their presence felt by anyone and to individuals among the congregation who will fight and gossip each other over things that they should rather be praying about than throwing stones and fire at each other..
We think and believe that you are powerful, but you are nothing but a viper that is sent to destroy. We respect you and think that you always have a point but your words are filled with perverse speeches aimed to conquer and destroy the church. Before you got here, the church was so united and everyone was happy. Before you felt like you are anointed better than anyone, everything was well and we could hear God moving among us. Before you lost respect for your pastor and leaders, everything was on point and God was happy with the church. Before you enticed the pastor with your pocket to earn the position, everything was run with God’s order. Before you were lied to and began to make everyone to believe that you are always right, everyone used to trust and believed each other, before you stopped preaching the true gospel, people used to live for God, unfortunately now they are living for you, and you surely don’t have a heaven for them. Can’t you see that you are on a devil’s mission of dividing the church, be certain, hell waits for you, unless you repent and serve your true purpose?
Dear pastors
You are not called to take sides or judge with favour, be like Solomon and let God’s wisdom in you perform all the necessary judgements needed per certain issue/matter. You have no portion in telling your young women at church not to love those who seem to have nothing, don’t forbid marriages and throw a lot of innocent souls to painful relationships, marriages and rejections because they took your advice of accepting the ones who have it all. Stop preaching messages that makes people appreciate you while God’s spirit is leaving you. Stop trying to be what you are not called to be, stop feeding your congregation with lies in order to attain the pulpit. Be true to whom you are, live to please God, and don’t be too busy for your own families. Use proper wisdom to all your counselling methods, never try to entice any of the people you counsel, don’t take advantage because you are set to help, do it with God’s love…
Dear fathers
Why are things getting out of hand in the church of God and still you are calling yourself a proud father. You were supposed to be a good courage first to your wife, then to the young people of the church and to the children who view you as their role model. You scatter yourself all over the place and have no respect to yourself and your own family, how then can you be able to build a church if you can’t manage and build your own family. You are supposed to be the backbone of your pastor, an inspiration to the board, the pride of your wife and the courage and strength of your children and the youth of the church. Judge yourself now, who among this precious souls would like to be like you? Your pride cannot build, no wonder why God said that he hates pride, being a head doesn’t mean that you are a boss or own anyone, no, it only mean that things should be done with your concern, you are connected to God to provide a channel of life to your family and to God’s people…
Dear mothers
You have become destroyers of your own household because you can’t refrain your tongue from speaking even the things that should be secrets. Your gossip and complaints are dividing the church of God. You are supposed to be humbled and submissive to your own husbands before seeking the approval of your pastor and church board. You are supposed to be a divine example to the young women of the congregation, but instead they are divided because of you, from you they learn how to break other people’s families rather than building theirs, from you they learn complaining and murmuring instead of settling for peace, from you they learn selfishness and disrespect because you keep exposing your husband. What kind of mother are you, why should your presence be felt all over the place, why do you like proving a point to everyone around you, what kind of legacy and example are you living behind you as you live?…
Dear brothers
The gift of preaching does not give you a licence of entering the heart of every sister at church, the sense of being called man of God does not mean all the girls at church are yours, keep your zip up and you will see God uplifting you. Stop using anointing and the strength to do thing in fishing for women who in turn you break their hearts. Because they trust you enough to share with you their problems, it doesn’t mean that your trousers should fall. You surely should be preaching the true gospel of Christ on your whatsapp and all social media platforms than hitting on every sister you have on your contact list. If its burning you, just get married and stop the nonsense. Learn to have self-control and self-integrity. And when given an opportunity to share, stop using those bombastic words to confuse and prove yourself educated. Not everything needs a demonstration after it is said!
Dear sisters
Sometimes I ask myself if you are the dumbest people on earth, why do you have to agree with every word that a guy say to you. Your search and hunger for marriage should not close your eyes to see where the right marriage is. His preaching and anointing cannot marry you, stop looking and wait to be found. Don’t care about his fame, it’s not his love and therefore cannot marry you. Don’t even look what he is driving, accidents are not far. You are supposed to be the beautiful flowers of the church, you were supposed to be united and pray together, but your jealous to your fellow sisters when they have found their happiness is consuming your souls, and soon you will recognise that time has passed you, and you should be learning tricks and techniques from those you hate and gossip, what makes them do good and be found by what is great. Your pastor is not your boyfriend or brother, but rather your father, stop involving him in childish things that only your ignorance and arrogance have caused. Learn to wait your time, it’s very close and you also will enjoy with pure joy and happiness, but learn to live your life out of the pressure to be married.
Dear church
You are married to Christ and you should display the love of Christ to the world around you. Learn to love each other, learn to abide in the truth, and learn to respect each other and pray together with a pure heart. Pray for each other and learn to accept and appreciate one another. Be a united family, be a place where everyone can call home. Grow in the knowledge of God either than growing in gossips and division. Stop judging people who come to you for help, accept the poor and take care of those who are in need. You are a vessel of peace and harmony, behave as such.
This is to encourage the church of God in overcoming the techniques which the devil is using to divide the church. Marriage is a gift from God; it should not divide the church, but rather encourage it. Spiritual gifts such as prophecy, apostleship, evangelism, pastoring, miracle and healing ministries are mandated by God and offered by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, and should not be used to divide the church but rather to build it, the purpose of this gifts and calling is only to edify the body of Christ and prepare the church for the coming of the Christ, they are not meant for personal growth or for personal earning. Stop robbing people in the name of God. Musical talents, gifts and calling should not compromise the true praise and worship which the church should render to God, how gifted a person is should not undermine the co-workers in the ministry and should work hand in hand to fulfil the purpose of true worship. Don’t talk to divide, rather speak to build and unite. The church is tired of monsters that have invaded its territories, fix yourself and be true with God.
Scripture reading: 1. (Ephesians 5). (1 Timothy 3). (Titus 2). (1 Corinthians 7). (Proverbs 18)


Wednesday 14 June 2017

Thursday 6 April 2017

My hope, my power and my strength
I sat under the shining stars of the rainbow nation wondering about my life
In my nerves I could feel the disappearance of my hope
My eyes making heavy noises and sounds from the heavy floods of tears
The sense of life ‘being unfair’ was unfolding from deep within
But just in a glimpse of an eye, travelling at the speed of light you arrived
My vision, my hope and divine destiny
Suddenly I felt like I was in paradise, the life you showed me made enough sense
Surely before you arrived I lived my life in vain
How I wish I had known that you’ve been living inside me all along
With you are the gifts of life renovation and meaningful expectations
Upon your arrival you stimulate the ability of creativity and productivity
Indeed you are the secret weapon of every successful individuals and even organisations
You are called vision because you see the life ahead, and with you the future is bright
You changed and transformed my life, now my brains are equipped to think innovation
Degrees and certificates are surely nothing but papers without you
Those who choose their careers with you enjoy the spoils afterwards
My vision, my hope and my dream locator
It is with you that my life makes sense, and my dream is becoming real
Because of you I understand that the storms and challenges of life are here only to strengthen me
You are the best weapon that unleashed my potential
You changed the boring and hurting story of life into living testimonies
You cannot be copied because you are unique to each and every individual
I stand tall and boost on my shoulders because of you my vision
You wipe away tears and decorate those who embrace you with a permanent smile
You align one’s life with a godly purpose
Nobody understand the path that I have taken, yet God does and that’s enough
Going with the crowds result in disappointments and shame, but following the path of you my vision leads to greater achievements and celebrations
Even when life has thrown me into a pit with no sign of light, I know with you I have hope and I will shine
I take my side by you, God revealed you to me and I warmly embrace you my vision
I salute those who achieved and those who think they did, it is their fate
Yet I know that with my vision comes my fate, my achievements and I patiently wait
The spirit you breathe into my nostrils are an inspiration to work on the path of success
You taught me that the reason I sometimes fail is because I need to equip myself with sufficient knowledge and wisdom and hence try again
Oh my vision life is so interesting with you
The thought of just living is not healthy for anybody; living for something and to fulfil our purposes is the key to living happier every moment
My vision, my hope and my strength
My vision, my hope and my divine destiny

By Katekani Unstoppable Masangu!

Monday 3 April 2017

a lot of speculations looking at where the nation can be with the recent leadership....and its very bad what the nation can become, yet im so surprised why so many people (especially young people) are still relying on the government for jobs and free things....i think it is time to wake up somebody, the time for mahala things are gone, like it or not, the coruption in South Africa does not stop global change and transformation, the other countries keeps their economies growing and believe it or not, things will be tough, prices will be high, and real hunger will strike.....the only way to avoid such things is by creating your own opportunities, start your small business, involve yourself in investments, trading and other good ways to maintain your income...@vakatekile youth entrepreneurship we help you determine your passion and assist you in building it in the ways we can, yet we dont entertain people who has free things you want to invest, start a business, or life by the principle of vision..#ihaveadream

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Vakatekile Youth Entrepreneurship (Pty) Ltd in partnership with Bagolo Barile trading and projects cc
We are here at your trading services!
We offer:
 Forex (foreign exchange) and cfd (contracts for difference) trading
 Forex training and how to use money triggers (signals)
 Demo trading account (where you practice how to trade)
 Live trading account (the real platform of making money)
 You no longer need more than R20000 to start trading, with only R5000 you are registered for both the demo and the live account
 The R5000 is divided into two parties, R1500 for your unlimited training and R3500 to be loaded to your live account (the money you will use to start trading)
 Platform from either Velocity Trade, Irres or Mt4 financial services
 Money triggers long can you cry about unemployment in your region, how long can you keep your capital without it making convinient interest....i would rather risk my money on something that can generate more money than crying for free is another convinient way that can help you make money, it doesnt take long for you to enjoy the is an opportunity for you, its your choice to make use of me on 0835982052 for more details and when you are interested to begin this journey